>  How do you convince, otherwise 
>  intelligent people, that the gold economy is not  comprised of a 
>  group of right wing libertarians who want to overthrow the 
>  currency systems of the world?

But that is what we are!  Why just received my Worldwide Gold Economy secret
instructions, and it specifically orders me to go out and destroy the
currency systems of the world.  OOOOPS.  That was a secret.

cont. Below

>  That it is really a very 
>  efficient  and cost-effective way of doing business.
>  Try it.  You are on the ground  floor of the Empire State 
>  Building and  who gets on the elevator with you going (alone - 
>  just the two of you) to the 62nd floor,  but that person you have 
>  been trying to sell on the concept of gold.   What are you going 
>  to say?  What you do for a living?   Here's your opportunity to 
>  give your "elevator speech" a/k/a/ a 90 second commercial.
>  George

Hey, how you been doing?  What do you make of the markets?  Crazy huh. Up
one day, down the next.  Some people got wiped out yesterday, and here the
market is up again.  I am sure glad I put some of my money into Gold.  Yes
Gold.  The only "currency" to maintain its value for 10,000 years, and it is
a great hedge against inflation.  How?  Well there are lots of ways of
investing in gold: specie, options, but I like e-gold the best.  What is
e-gold?  It is a revolutionary concept that provides ownership of gold with
the ease and functionality of the internet.  ITs great.  If I need my gold
liquidated, I can have check cut for me from one of many reliable market
makers in a day or two. Or wires, etc.  I just feel better knowing that some
of my investments are in gold, but that I don't have to worry about
storing/hoarding the gold, or how to sell coins and ingots when I need
funds.  HEck, there are even a small number of businesses out there that are
starting to accept e-gold.  And the numbers are growing every day.  Check it
out, here I wrote the URL on my business card.  Give me a call if you have
any questions.  And I accept e-gold myself, so you can feel free to pay me
in e-gold if you ever need my services.

>  ______________________________________
>  George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
>  Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
>  Acct# 120018      Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
>  World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web
>  http://www.standardreserve.com
>  ---
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