Contrary to the comments of Matyjewicz and Jenkins, Standard Reserve 
has no legitimate business concern with establishing anyone's 
identity.  Their actual business interest is only in establishing that
their accounts are controled by the true owners of the funds therein. 
These are two different things.  Identity is irrelevant.

They are using the first as a proxy for the second.  This follows 
what has gradually become current practice in the US.  Jenkins
acknowledges that this is due in part to the fact that SR is using
a US based verification service not because it is functional.  I 
suggest that this practice has developed not so much because it 
serves as a good proxy but because it has been encouraged by BB 
because it serves the interest of the state in monitoring, 
controling and enslaving us all.

I also suggest that SR would be better served by firing their 
verification service and devising a real way to accomplish their 
actual objective that is compatible with the interests of their
potential customers.


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