
>But we do hope that most financial criminals will
> avoid doing business with us.]
> This is the least we can do for our Agents. For it is our Agents who
> absorb the risk that enables all of us to move from non-trusted,
> non-trustable, always-reversible transactions systems to a non-reversible
> transaction system.

Well said!  Yes, we agents appreciate the fact you are aware of the risk we
are taking.  Agents are the portals that allow customers into the Gold
Economy.  The drawback is that we also make wonderful targets for those you

Identity theft is as morally abhorrent as
> privacy abuse. Credit card fraud studies clearly show a correspondence
> between identity theft and financial criminal activity. (People who steal
> others' identities usually have no compunction stealing and scamming other
> things.)

I think MOST of the privacy buffs fear the SS # requirement solely for one
main reason:  they want this Gold Economy to remain tax free.  In the US,
using a SS # means that at the end of the year Big Brother will know what
you did with your money.  If we can overcome that stigma by utilizing the
alternate forms of identity verification, we may all be on to something
bigger that most of us have conceptualized even to this point.

Then again, hats off to the *old days* (before my time!) when a handshake
meant your word, and your word meant *something*!  Perhaps those days will
return someday, until they do, I prefer to know the man/woman on the other
end of that reputable payment that arrives in my office mailbox.

By the way, my apologies for not getting back to you this afternoon.  I was
just walking out the door and in the midst of a conversation with a fellow
Market Maker.  Ironically, he was inquiring how to obtain a court order to
hold account values.  He had just been scammed by five individuals utilizing
PayPal.  So much for trusting those you do not know....

(People who steal
> others' identities usually have no compunction stealing and scamming other
> things.)

    You said it best, Loryn!

     Feel free to call me if you are still working or have some free time.
You have my cell phone number.

   Eric Gaither

----- Original Message -----
From: Loryn E. Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: e-gold Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 4:18 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Comments on egold sale

> Destiny Worldwide,
> and all others interested in doing business with Standard Reserve.
> Our application form currently demands a SSN because the US-based identity
> verification service requires it. We use this service because it quickly
> and cost effectively ascertains the consistency of the identity details.
> This process quickly tells us the low-risk applications, which we then
> approve automatically. This process also quickly assists us in identifying
> suspicious applications. Several applicants have already attempted to use
> other people's identities. >
> You may be pleased to know that, just last night, an Individual Sovereign
> opened an account with us. The process was slower, slightly more
> cumbersome, and certainly more expensive for Standard Reserve ... but we
> will not turn away any paying customer with whom we can establish a
> relatively "trusted" relationship. If anyone wishes to do business with
> Standard Reserve but have serious concerns with sending their SSN to us,
> please email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] You will find that the
> people operating Standard Reserve are somewhat more flexible than our IT
> bsystem.
> And, may I add, Standard Reserve management have already begun exploring
> some *options* for US-based customers who do not wish to divulge their
> SSN. We have begun discussing the optional use of other notirized forms of
> identity verification. I can't guarantee when we will implement a more
> flexible application form, as we still have quite a bit of work to do on
> our system in order to bring you all the capabilities we dream of
> providing you, but we will deal with this in due course.
> People: Destiny Worldwide calls for a return to old-fashioned values of
> trust; the personnel of Standard Reserve support such a call. We want each
> of our customers to begin establishing 'trust' with us by revealing who
> they are. [We're not hung up on obtaining your SSN ... (email us for other
> means of signing up!) >
> ---
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