I would like to bring up an old discussion again.

Not so long ago many discussed the subject ATM Card.
Because with an ATM Card, E-Gold can fund your bank account through your card number.

Some advertise the card for 30 USD others for 300 USD.

My question is, what is the meaning of ATM.
As I am from Holland we do not have a bank (?) called like that.

But I saw in Indonesia ATM money machine (to withdraw money from your own bank 
For what I understood is that they get the card when they open an account (no extra 

The call it Automatic Teller Machine. Because I do  business in Indonesia and I do not 
want my Big Brother in Holland to find out that I have a E-Gold account. I am thinking 
about opening an account in Indonesia.

Thanks for the help.

About buying all kinds of things from a web-site shop with E-gold.
Is that not a perfect oppertunity for Big Brother (IRS) to find out you have an E-Gold 
As the IRS asks the shop owner to have a look in to its administration??
Or am I Missing something.



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