Hello all,
We are in the process of some major revisions to our websites, and some of these revisions will include resources of interest to people who use egold.  Two new pages are already up, with more planned as soon as we can get the updates completed.
The first update is to the Offshore Earnings site [the url is in my sig file below].  We have added two pages that will be of interest to many:
1.  An offshore strategies page meant to stimulate your thoughts on the possibilities of doing business offshore and in privacy using your egold account and resources that we can provide.  This page will answer many of your questions, including how to hook up your egold account for ecommerce, how to transfer money form your egold account offshore, and more.  I think that many people will  find this new page very helpful.
2.  The other page is a Market Maker listing.  Let me state form the outset that this is NOT an all inclusive list, but links to the exhaustive directories are provided.  What this list does is give you a key to certain market makers that provide some specialized service with an offshore or global slant, aimed especailly at those people who want to move assets offshore or conduct business offshore.
IN this connection, we have listed the two market makers that are truly international, and have also listed some that accept international credit cards, Western Union, EZCmoney, etc.  We have also included an offshore market maker, and have included Gaithman's egold exchange because we have personal experience with them and their service has always been excellent. 
The fact that a MM is not included does not necessarily mean we think badly of them, only that we don't have experience with them or might have received in one or two cases some negative information.  But this list is NOT an endorsement of anyone either, it is just a suggested list of those we feel our clients and the egold world will find useful. 
Also, this list is an ongoing work and will be updated form time to time.
Our next major project is the long overdue total overhaul of Destiny Central on a different domain.  The new revised Destiny Central will have an online/egold scam alert page that will allow people to place URL's of scamsters on the page direclty.  We hope to couple this with a message board.  These resources will be open to the public, but we have not yet decided whether anyone will be able to post, or only Destiny members. 
Other exciting things are coming along as well, including the revision of our Office Complex area, which has suffered a couple of years of benign neglect.  We hope to revive the Office Complex with an egold and Offshroearnings slant.  YOu could think of it as an egold and offshore cyber shopping mall plus office complex for professional practice and other things.  I won't give out the url now because of the terrible shape the complex is in right now after the neglect, but as soon as it is remodeled, I will let you all know.  I don't know of any other place on the net where egold related business will be enoucraged to set up shop!  And you will be able to join the Office Complex for free if you become a member of our organization [and the yearly dues will be very inexpensive as well.]
Until the next update,
Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com
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