At 10:16 PM +1100 2/1/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>I have decided to take on the Chess project.
>Magnificent Vince!  Good luck!
> would be happy to add a five gram reward to 
>Jim's reward the first day you can play for gold as Jim described!

Vince and JP, this is awesome news! (The only problem with world-
wide play is that many of the Russians I've met can wipe me out!). I
am sure to get lots of enjoyment out of this, as will my brother (who
also regularly beats me...hmmm.).

I of course volunteer to help Vince implement this fantasy. Those
of you who know me well know that often my days end with games
for grams, and back in the early days of the Stats page that spend
resulting from those games might occasionally push the number of 
e-metal spends in 24 hours from one to (gasp!) two digits.  Times 

The history of computer-programming for chess is interesting, and I
have VIVID memories of a first encounter with Fidelity Electronics'
"Chess Challenger" in high school...Let's just say it didn't do much
for my grades that week...

Anyway, I can't say what a thrill this is, I ask for something and it
happens because of the talent here! You guys are great, and I'm
sure this is worth more than 7 (plus 5! Thanks Banana!!) grams. I
will be very happy the day JP & I get to make those spends.

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