I thought I had lost these messages, but there was a lot of discussion some
time ago about Paypal problems, and some MM's have been burned by them, as
have we.  Also, George had expressed interest in this.

While this was deleted from my computer by accident, I found this on one of

hte other computers in the office here, so enjoy the Paypal horror stories,
and don't use them.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Offshorearnings.com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 12:57 PM
Subject: Fw: be careful using paypal.com (fwd)

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>-----Original Message-----
>Date: Monday, November 27, 2000 9:52 AM
>Subject: be careful using paypal.com (fwd)
>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 12:01:21 +1300
>>Subject: be careful using paypal.com
>>From: "Jeremy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>got this from another mailing list:
>>PAYPAL latest
>>PayPal is in deep doo doo for freezing people's accounts claiming they are
>>using the accounts in pyramid schemes (when the $5 PayPal gives you as a
>>referral makes THEM a pyramid by the very definition state's currently
>>They are trying to play judge and jury and it is putting PayPal out to
>>Sent: Friday, November 17, 2000 7:19 AM
>>Dear friends and Internet Marketers,
>>We are now calling for a WORLDWIDE BOYCOTT of Paypal due to the fact that
>>they have now frozen thousands of their customers accounts, including
>>and refuse to return our money. We are also in the process of starting a
>>Class-Action Suit against them for their criminal actions. If you are
>>you know has had their account frozen, please join us in this case by
>>contacting Gregory Lock, CEO iNetStar, Inc at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> (iNetStar, Inc.) . 406-782-6526.
>>Please pass this on to everyone on your lists. Thanks.
>>After complaining to Paypal about freezing InetStar's Paypal account due
>>their judgement that it is an illegal pyramid scheme,  they wrote me the
>>following email to inform me that they have frozen my account. InetStar
>>no more of an illegal pyramid scheme than  are Amway, Shaklee, Mary Kay,
>> and
>>other legitimate MLM companies. They are doing an injustice to all of us
>>are involved in network marketing online. If you are doing this type of
>>online and have a Paypal account, I suggest you close it immediately
>>they find out and freeze yours. Here is the email I received from them:
>>Subj:   Restricted PayPal Account
>>Date:  11/14/00 12:10:18 PM Pacific Standard Time

>>Dear Carl,
>>You have been reported (multiple times) to PayPal for using your PayPal
>>account for involvement, and recruitment of others, in a "pyramid" type
>>scheme. This activity is illegal and defrauds other PayPal users. Using
>>PayPal account for activity that is illegal and improper is against our
>>Terms of Use, which you agreed to when you opened your PayPal account.
>>PayPal will not allow its services to be used in this manner. Your PayPal
>>account has been frozen. If you feel that we are in error, please contact
>>Please refer to US Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18, Section 1302 and
>>1341,  or title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the code of
>>Regulations, Volume 16, Section 255 and 436.
>>Pseudo Multi Level Marketing:
>>PayPal Account Review Department
>>Date:  11/14/00 3:17:39 PM Pacific Standard Time
>>From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (iNetStar, Inc.)
>>PayPal is now freezing everyone's accounts who complains.
>>If you complain about what they have done to your iNetStar money, they
>>accuse you of participating in a pyramid scheme and steal any money you
>>with them.  I, as an American, wish to take this time to apologize to the
>>rest of the world, for the ugliness, anti-freedom, and anti-American
>>being used
>>by PayPal. This loathesome beast is everything American business should
>>NEVER be.
>> Below is the form letter members have been receiving from PayPal as a
>>punishment for them complaining.
>>Dear Samed (samed is an innocent member),
>>You have been reported to PayPal for using your PayPal account
>>for involvement, and recruitment of others, in a "pyramid" type
>>scheme. This activity is illegal and defrauds other PayPal users.
>>Using your PayPal account for activity that is illegal and
>>improper is against our Terms of Use, which you agreed to when
>>you opened your PayPal account. PayPal will not allow its
>>services to be used in this manner. Your PayPal account has been
>>frozen. If you feel that we are in error, please contact us at
>>First, just take a look at the stupidest thing PayPal has done yet. They
>>Are  sending wrongful form letters to international clients! PayPal is the
>>only dog that has no day! Did I say PayPal? I'm sorry. I meant PAYSCUM.
>>Secondly, thank-you members and subscribers. Your support has put us right
>>back on
>>track!  PayPal? Kiss it where the sun don't shine!!!
>>Take a look at this PayPal abuse of the International Community. This just
>>in from new Zealand:
>>Hi Greg,
>>Same here. Just opened an account a few days ago, never used it at all and
>>look at this
>>"Dear Paul,
>>You have been reported (multiple times) to PayPal for using your PayPal
>>Account  for involvement, and recruitment of others, in a "pyramid" type
>>scheme.This activity is illegal and defrauds other PayPal users. Using
>>PayPal account for activity that is illegal and improper is against our
>>Terms of Use, which you agreed to when you opened your PayPal account.
>>PayPal willnot
>>allow its services to be used in this manner. Your PayPal account has been
>>frozen. If you feel that we are in error, please contact us at
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Etc. etc. etc.
>> (Check out these links. How about offering $5
>>enticements to a known market pyramid, then
>>stopping those payments when they've been
>>capitalized to try and go international?? That's
>>PayPal. The hypocrite scum. They think the
>>International community is too stupid to
>>recognize what they are doing and what they have
>>done. I say, " .... to the lowest hell."
>>Gregory Locke, CEO and Publisher, iNetStar/IMLMA
>>  ***************************************************************
>>Date:  11/15/00 8:33:43 AM Pacific Standard Time
>>From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (iNetStar, Inc.)
>>Members have been calling for a class action lawsuit against PayPal in
>>increasing numbers, due to the fact that PayPal has begun seizing
>>non-iNetStar related funds from iNetStar members, in an unlawful attempt
>>muscle members through greenmail, coercion and outright theft. IS THERE
>>In PayPal's zeal to cover one evil with another, we are also receiving
>>reports that people who haven't even used their PayPal account are also
>>being accused of pyramid scheming!  Let's have at them, shall we? Please
>>Gregory Locke
>>CEO iNetStar, Inc.
>>Date:  11/15/00 12:39:34 PM Pacific Standard Time
>>From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (iNetStar, Inc.)
>>It has come to light that PayPal used a pyramid model in planning its
>>capitalization, by offering $5 "refferal fees." In effect, what PayPal
>>was point a pre-determined market saturation projectionat a juxtaposition,
>>where market saturation would become equivalent to capitalization needed.
>>Through the enticement of $5 "refferal fees," PayPal turned every new
>>Client into a commissioned salesperson, thus, violating their own stand
>>what constitutes a pyramid scheme. In other words, PayPal created a fully
>>membership-driven Ponzi scheme, in order to defraud its members.
>>After having acted unlawfully and illegally, under its own definition,
>>PayPal has subsequently orchestrated a planned, deliberate system of theft
>>toward its membership, "freezing" their accounts, while accusing them of
>>participating in "numerous pyramid schemes!" The fraudulent and
>>actions of the 21st century's most bizarre corporate hypocrite have not
>>unnoticed. Even now as we speak, word of their persecutions toward the
>>people that funded them is spreading throughout the world.
>>Below you will find recent subscriber comments coming into our office:
>>Hi Greg
>>I wish I had never heard of PayPal.I opened an International account to
>>receiving my commissions sooner. You deposited my September & October
>>payments into this account and it is just sitting their in limbo. Before
>>they will allow me to access the funds they set up a credit card
>>verification system where they deposited 4c onto my credit card with a
>>unique store
>>number as the depositor.
>>Well apparently this system does not work and i am not able to verify my
>>credit card and therefore not able to access my funds. I presume that by
>>time they get around to setting up a new verification system they will
>>decided to freeze my account also. I can't even try the CHARGEBACK idea
>>the money has not even been deposited on to my credit card yet Therefore
>>could you mail my commissions to ( AIRMAIL Please)
>>JW Vannot
>>101 Deakin St
>>Oak Flats
>>NSW 2529
>>Regards Bill Vannot
>>If there's any way I can help, that's fine. I was a big supporter of
>>and one of the few who was posting on the boards to tell people to give
>>a chance. I was also corresponding privately with their rep who was always
>>being attacked on the boards. Then some of my customers were victimized
>>Paypal users and Paypal gave them "advice" that was designed to cheat them
>>while protecting Paypal. Paypal first told them to wait 30 days. Then they
>>delayed taking any action until the deadline for making a charge back had
>>almost expired. It became obvious to me that Paypal
>>had no interest in doing the right thing or in protecting its customers,
>>just in protecting themselves. Then a seller I knew to be extremely honest
>>beyond the call of duty had her account frozen without warning over a $19
>>dispute from a sale made 4 months previously. For weeks, Paypal would not
>>even tell her who complained. When they finally did, she was shocked
>>she had never heard from this customer and even had proof of delivery
>> (customer claimed item was never received). By the time the mess was
>>straightened out, several other customers had complained because they had
>>paid her while her account was frozen. She had been unable to access her
>>account, so she didnt even know who paid her and who didnt. Her sterling
>>reputation was ruined over a $19 dispute made by a liar. Since then, I
>>been active on the boards letting everyone know what a corrupt
>>Paypal is. I feel bad since through my newsletter, I had urged folks to
>>sign up for it. Now my advice is, Paypal used viral marketing to sucker
>>folks to
>>sign up, let's use viral marketing to spread the truth. I created the web
>>page and let everyone link to it. I link to it in my auctions and I send
>>to all my auction winners. I update it regularly and would like to include
>>your story in there. Due to my activity, I have been interviewed by
>>Watch, Bankrate and others and have been quoted in these articles. Paypal
>>struggling for capital and plans an IPO. Maybe the little guys can bring
>>this criminal Goliath down.
>>Hi Greg,
>>A friend of mine, Peter Klett, is an excellent attorney. My wife, Norma,
>>> has spoken with him and he is interested in the class action. Please
>>him directly at 615-244-6538 and tell him this is the action Norma
>>was talking to him about.
>>>  Good luck!
>>>  Jim Nicholson
>>>  First Capital International
>>>  4561-C Columbia Highway
>>>  Thompson's Station, TN 37179
>>>  Voice: (615) 599-0501
>>>  Fax: (707) 281-4889
>>>  Email: MailTo:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>  ---
>>>  Greg,
>>>  I have been watching as Pay Scum has been trying to Fraud you and your
>>> members.  Having met with you personally in Butte, Mt. And being an
>>excellent judge
>>> of  character. I can assure your membership base that you are in fact
>>> present yourself to be. As one Freedom loving American to another, go
>>> them. If you have no attorney in your member base I will contact my
>>attorney and get what ever questions you may have answered! I, as you Greg
>>am for
>>the " little guy". The great thing is we are only little guys if we let
>>> treat us as little guys. You and your members are not little guys,
>>> Worldinetstar is a Big guy. Now go get them!
>>>  Prosperous Regards,
>>>  Kevin L. Wise
>>>  Founder
>>>  Marketwisely.com
>>>  1-406-449-4788
>>>  ----
>>>  Hi Greg,
>>>  Before I start I should state I'm not a lawyer, just a humble Internet
>>> entrepreneur. But I have a couple of long time friends whom I've
>>> that are lawyers. I've sent them every communication that has to do with
>>the PayPal fiasco, as well as sending them the message *I* received TWO
>>after registering as an International user accusing me of promoting a
>>pyramid scheme when my web site isn't even up yet.
>>One of my friends has a little too much on his plate right now to work on
>>class action, and the other is a criminal lawyer who gave me some points
>> (and said he'd refer me to a colleague if we wish to pursue the matter).
>>First off, as a Canadian lawyer he can't file on behalf of an American
>>unless there was a Canadian satellite office. I don't know if you have
>>but if not this might be a good time to consider setting up a Montreal
>>Regional Chapter - it gives you the Canadian office.
>>>From there I could collect statements from members affected fiscally, and
>>those who's PayPal accounts were terminated or frozen as a result of being
>>member of iNetStar. He also suggests publically publishing the company's
>>mission statement and method of operations - web page or e-mail, with
>>being sent to everyone on the members list. He even went so far as to
>>suggest sending a mission statement to the membership, and requesting that
>>the members thoroughly read it and send back a statement agreeing and
>>understanding the principles of the company, together with their full
>>contact information, length of time they have been a member, and whether
>>PayPal's actions have affected them financially.
>>This last suggestion is probably a good one as you will know exactly who
>>with you and who is against you, comparing the responses with the
>>membership list, and more importantly it lists them as participants in the
>>class action suit. There's a few suggestions. Get back to me with what you
>>RejuviNET Consulting Group
>>Montreal, Canada
>>They froze my account too.
>>I am a poor person and do not even have the money to get a lawyer. They
>>$200 of my hard earned money. Count me in on any action we can do as a
>>group. I was one of the people to voice my view of their actions against
>>iNetStar I might be a little guy but I can blast my own view world wide
>>email of the
>>type of rip off company they are. I will forward you the letter I have
>>them. Any help is welcome
>>John Sharon
>>Enough - I think you get the message.  Be careful in your use of PayPal
>>before they get this resolved.

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