Amazing,  you know I had them ringing me up in the middle of the night
trying to get me to join.  Twice!

Plus heaps of 'friendly' emails.

I  did not feel comfortable,  they told me I needed to send  1000USD to open
a us bank account.

I decided not to go ahead,  just seemed too easy for me.

I have decided I will not be accepting any credit card transactions at all.
and I tell people why as well.

Sorry Eric,

Kind regards,

Michael Moore

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 7:29 AM
Subject: [fraud] Bogus Company

> === [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list ===
> === see bottom for unsubscribe information ===
> Public Service Announcement from Gaithmans:
> Please be aware of (yet another!) bogus company claiming to process credit
> cards and ACH transactions for your company.  The company is bogus and is
> run by a couple of scammers who used to work in the credit card industry.
> The company is called ACH Finance.  The pair running the company is
> Chambers and his brother, Raymond Chambers. They are knowledgeable of
> industry guidelines, terminology, and protocols.
> This company does a mass e-mailing from time to time that claims to be
> to process credit cards and ACH transactions.  They have an office in
> Jacksonville, FL (which I visited) and supposedly one in New Jersey.
> Here is how their scam works:
> 1.  You pay initial application fee of $69.95 for a merchant provider
> contract.
> 2.  They will process your first order and deliver the funds to your
> predesignated checking or savings account giving you the impression the
> company can do what they claim to do.
> 3.  All further orders are billed, but you WILL NOT receive the funds.
> They will then claim it is:
>     a.  A problem within the "system". They will "fix" it.
>     b.  A "flag" was placed on your account by the Federal Reserve system.
> Again, they will "fix" it.
>     c.  Their "fix" was "re-flagged" by a higher administrator.  Again,
> will "fix" it.
>      d.  At this point, they stop returning calls and e-mails.
>      This continues until you finally realize that they are a bogus
> Also, they use the name "Bryants Financial Services" to make your first
> deposit to your account.  This is different from the company name "ACH
> Finance" on the contracts.
>     Last, and this is the best part!  The company inputs your initial
> that you paid your application fee with into Versa Check.  Instead of
> billing your account by ACH transaction (which is what the contract
> they issue their own paper checks (harder to stop payment on if you do not
> know what number they will be!) and continue to attempt to withdraw a
> monthly fee of $159.00 USD from your account.
>     I  have contacted the authorities (since they are issuing checks, this
> is now fraud) in Jacksonville and at my bank.  Our bank will be contacting
> their receiving bank to reclaim our funds.
>     PLEASE be hesitant before doing any business with ACH Finance, Charles
> Chambers, or Raymond Chambers.  They use the office number of (904)
> in Jacksonville.
>    Respectfully,
> Eric Gaither, President
> Gaithman's Gold Exchange, Inc.
> ----------------------------------------------
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> market makers who send a personal request to
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