>Bob and JPM .....the brightest illuminating white knights of reason and
>commerce in the e-gold community ....MY HEROES!
>JPM, ....though probably receiving only a random hit here and there,
>would banana like to throw a gram or two for a prominent listing at my
>e-gold directory page (even though I am myself still unable to use the
>banana interface with my [inferior?] web browser)?

ok, http://Bananagold.com will give you a gram for a listing! :) 
Show us the listing and tell me the act number!  JP

>A random note re: politics and economics....
>I just finished reading probably the most well crafted theoretical and
>imagintive work on these topics I have ever seen, and I only wish every
>thinking person in the world could do the same. I refer to the novella,
>"And Then There Were None,"  by Eric Frank Russell. Enjoy!

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