In reply to a post from Craig I think:( I deleted the mail yesterday)

I am  amazed and annoyed to  see that you have made a judgement on the  credibility of Costa Gold.  This in fact  shifts the focus of the issue in the search for the" bad guy."

In my opinion there  is only one bad guy and that is e-gold.    Not because they have decided to withold payments to Costa Gold, who apparently have proven  that they are the  owners.
Rather for this reason: 

 Every single e-gold account holder whether he owns the  account for  playing games, investing, investing in games , buying shares form another individual or from a Licensed sharebroker or buying something from Amazon........... has become  a very valuable member of the alternative currency system called e-gold.

Now since  many thousands of those people have been recruited to egold as a result of playing the eebiz, or costa gold investment/game, its logical that e-gold should be liable to pay some sort of commission to the owners of these investments or games for bringing them on board!   Especially since e-gold would love these players to tell their friends and other associates to use the e-gold service for , paying the rent, buying groceries etc etc.   You could almost go as far as to say that these  web based businesses have exploded e-golds membership.

If e-gold have a serious  desire to  continue and expand their business, eventually to have thousands of Main St users,  surely its logical that they would strive to keep their existing customers happy.  You may recall that the million dollar holiday place in Australia was discovered by poor, funloving surfers. Their word of mouth developed  it into Surfers Paradise.
Were the original  promoters of Las Vegas law abiding and honest enough for you Craig to not feel bad every time you visit?

Does it therefore follow that a Secret Agenda  has been presented to e-gold in order to stop them from paying the costa gold funds?

If this is the case then we all are in deeper than we think!

Leaving emotions aside, its obvious that e-gold are making a public relations blunder and that  is my reasoning for casting them in the Bad  Guy role.
I have no agenda with Costa Gold  or Blosta gold or Mosta Gold. Just the simple facts.

" To survive the web you must act like a spider otherwise you will become a fly"  ( from someone else ...not me :-)

Lin Ronald ,
New Zealand

Lin Ronald  New Zealand. ICQ # 5099646

25% per month. Its being done now! Safely!
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