Lin Ronald wrote
> In my opinion there  is only one bad guy and that is e-gold.    Not because
> they have decided to withold payments to Costa Gold, who apparently have
> proven  that they are the  owners.

Yet again I must say... e-gold did not withhold Costa Gold's funds. e-gold
transfered the funds from Costa Gold's account to Omnipay's account
without a hitch. When Omnipay received mulitple conflicting instructions
on what to do the funds, including reports of a security breach, they put
the money into an escrow account until everything got sorted out.

I am much more willing to believe Omnipay than Costa Gold during this "No,
you didn't" - "Yes, I did" escapade. Omnipay has stuck by their user
agreement and I have seen nothing to say otherwise. From what I have seen,
Costa Gold quickly underwent a transformation from a "offshore investment
opportunity" to a "offshore game" when questioned. They went from
promising very high yield returns to saying it was a game and to not count
on receiving anything.

>   Every single e-gold account holder whether he owns the  account 
> for  playing games, investing, investing in games , buying shares form 
> another individual or from a Licensed sharebroker or buying something from
> Amazon........... has become  a very valuable member of the alternative
> currency system called e-gold.

Yes... I apologize for my rash condemming. I have just become fed up with
complaining, and thus providing negative publicity, that e-gold is a only
a tool for scammers. We have scammers posing as scammees, scammees trying
to force e-gold to violate it's non-repudiation policy because it wasn't
their fault, and many other variations on the theme.

> Now since  many thousands of those people have been recruited to egold as a
> result of playing the eebiz, or costa gold investment/game, its logical
> that e-gold should be liable to pay some sort of commission to the owners
> of these investments or games for bringing them on board!   

Why? Why should e-gold thank the entities who bring in users who aren't
willing to learn what e-gold is really about? Once the marks realize
they've been had, many of them scream to high heaven that it is e-gold's
fault. Few are willing to learn what e-gold is really about.

> You could almost go as far as to say that these  web 
> based businesses have exploded e-golds membership.

Yes. However it is with the type of users I have described above.

> Does it therefore follow that a Secret Agenda  has been presented to e-gold
> in order to stop them from paying the costa gold funds?

e-gold is NOT involved in the current imbroglio with Costa Gold!

> Leaving emotions aside, its obvious that e-gold are making a public 
> relations blunder and that  is my reasoning for casting them in the 
> Bad  Guy role.

They are not the bad guy. They perfectly lived up to their side of the
bargain. If you want to bitch, moan, and complain about somebody, direct
it towards Omnipay. However, they lived up to their side of the bargain as

Viking Coder

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