Sounds to me that they are treating him like a "Tax Protester."  Although I
wish him and his family the best, it should be taken as a lesson on how not
to handle tax issues.  I don't know if he was a Tax Protester or even linked
with them in any way, but if the IRS thinks you are, you will have problems.
Arguing about arcane issues of the law with men with guns is not a good
situation to be in if you care about your family's lives and your property. 

There are better ways of dealing with oppressive tax regimes, particularly a
system filled with so many loopholes.  

Otherwise accept the inevitable:  Gandhi and Martin Luther King died in
their struggle to overcome hostile forces through passive resistence.  If
you are not willing to do so, you should rely on cunning and knowledge of
the tax code, and how to work the system.  Avoid overtly hostile acts and
bizarre US based tax schemes that do not have the approval of the IRS and/or
at least competent tax counsel.

Good luck to Parker and his family.

On Tue, 13 Mar 2001 15:22:08 -0500, Steve Foerster wrote:

>  I just heard that Parker Bradley's home was raided by a platoon of U.S.
>  federal agents, that all of his belongings were bagged and removed as
>  "evidence", and that during his subsequent interrogation they tried to
>  lead him to implicate e-gold itself as involved in credit card fraud.
>  But I didn't hear it from Parker.  Has anyone heard from him recently? 
>  he okay?
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