>     First, the IRS and other US government agencies do not routinely send
> "heaps of men" to raid someone's house without a reason.  Second, the
> usually has to be one that is strong enough to convince a judge to sign a
> warrant.  Third, if Parker is innocent of wrongdoing, he has nothing to
> worry about, yes?  If he is innocent, I am sure a good lawyer can probably
> even sue for damages, mental anguish, etc.

Wow, how many times have we seen it happen? It happened at Ruby Ridge when
the target didn't even know he had done anything wrong. It happened at Waco.
It happened just last year in Florida when they went to retrieve that kid,
to send back to Cuba.

I think it's policy now to make a large show of force when they have reason
to think that the suspect may not surrender himself voluntarily -- which is
at the discretion of the federal agents. I think they believe that a large
show of force saves lives by eliminating the risk of confrontation.

However, I do agree that we haven't even confirmed the 'rumor' that anything
at all has taken place with Parker. We are speculating, as people are prone
to do.


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