
There are many reputable "exchange providers" who have NOTHING TO DO 
with any hyips or scams.

Would any MMs listening like to tell Lim Ka that she can deal with 
them in trust and that they, the MMs, declare they have nothing to do 
with hyips, scams, or anything else other than selling gold?

>What can we do about this? Both Heap Of Gold and Flat Rate Gold was
>officially listed on E-Gold website. I also do funding 3 times in my short
>life of using E-Gold. The first with Flat Rate Gold, $1300 taken without
>any repy. Second with Heap Of Gold for $775 - OK. The 3rd time with Heap
>of Gold again and this time no news from them with my $1075 funding. It
>seems that E-Gold is E-Ghost to me!!! Look at how much I lost from
>believing what was once listed in E-Gold's website !
>Here is the "E-Ghost" most recent reply when I try to ask them about these
>2 companies:
>----> Begining Of Attachment ------
>Subject: RE: [e-gold-service] RE: E-Gold Funding
>To: Lim Ka Seong & Cheah Siew Mee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>They are separate companies from us and so we don't have much more
>information than that.
>e-gold Service

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