
   I agree with you.  The total irony of this situation is so thick I must
employ my handy-dandy Rambo survival knife (compass and match stick carry
case included) to slice through it.

   Reid has effectively told you, the e-gold user, that you may not do
business with a company that does business with another gold currency.
E-gold, which claims to be non-judgmental, non-reputable, and non-biased
(based on the idea of being Hard money) now claims it wants to regulate the
amount of information and choices users have the right to view.

   Strange, isn't it?   I wonder how long a "currency" (as Craig Haine
pointed out) which should be treated like cash will survive when it then
tells the spender WHAT or WHERE it can be spent or initially obtained.

    Ha!  Maybe that is why they call USD "Dead Presidents" because cash,
unlike e-gold, is simply a currency to be spent. ( Maybe the Federal
Government should tell banks that work in CAD, FRF or other major currencies
they will be eliminated if they offer any information or access to another
currency than USD?)

    Joyce, I applaud you for your rational thinking.  E-gold USED to be the
alternative to government controlled, stone age thinking-based currency.  It
appears as such no more.

   I think in High School I heard that "When in Rome, do as the Romans!"

    Could that be the case of e-gold with its server located in Melbourne,
Florida?  "When in the US, act like Big Brother and dictate what can and
cannot be viewed by the general public!"  (Strom Thurman would be so proud!)

    Well, for all of you out there, (Joyce, you too) that want a currency
that DOES not try to dictate to you, stop by Gaithmans at:

  and pick up your Standard Reserve Instant Anywhere account for $75 USD
which includes a stored value debit card, EXCELLENT customer support, and
OFFSHORE location, and best of all...the freedom to spend YOUR money they
way YOU want to.

    Did I mention OSGold?  3PGold?  GoldMoney?  e-Bullion?

    Maybe this is why all of my recent requests for e-gold are turning out
to be OUTEXCHANGES for an INEXCHANGE to SR currency.

 I think the old mantra states:

"He who is left holding a large amount of e-gold when the panic starts the
clients jump ship holds...valueless e-gold" or something like that.

    I will waive all exchange fees for the rest of the week for ANYONE who
wants to trade in their e-gold for SR-AUG or SR-USD. Bring your e-gold and I
will trade it for you free of charge for either SR-USD or SR-AUG.  You can
then pull the value out of an ATM machine.  (Can you do that with e-gold

    Gaithmans...we give you the choice!

    Have a great afternoon, Joyce!

Eric Gaither, President
Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc.
(317) 788-8580 Voice

Scammer(s) take notice...the Gold Community is united in seeing  your

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joyce Marie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Eric J. Gaither" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [e-gold-list]Bravo Eric!!!

> Eric....just like our government...trying to tell us
> how we can spend our money....ugh....
> Joyce Marie
> --- "Eric J. Gaither" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Reid,
> >
> > (snip)
> > > We do not wish to be associated, even indirectly,
> > with;
> > > therefore, we have removed all links from the
> > e-gold website to websites
> > > that link or make reference to
> > (end snip)
> >
> >    Your actions seem rather hasty, in my modest
> > (unsolicited) opinion.
> > Omnipay has once again made a rather major policy
> > change without the

> > courtesy of informing the Market Makers before
> > implementation.  While I do
> > realize that e-Gold, Ltd., G&SR (dba Omnipay) can
> > (and frequently do) make
> > any decision they please and  implement them with
> > lightening speed, this
> > type of inconsideration for the companies that allow
> > the general public INTO
> > the e-gold system does little to promote a
> > cooperative effort.  I
> > specifically remember hearing discussion of e-Gold,
> > Ltd. and G&SR (Omnipay)
> > giving Market Makers 30 days notice BEFORE such
> > major policy changes would
> > be put into effect at the Indian River Summit hosted
> > by G&SR on Oct. of
> > 2000.   Now, this may have only been "talk" at the
> > time, but I (speaking for
> > myself, no one else) was under the impression this
> > was going to be carried
> > out.  It appears, sadly enough, this was just "talk"
> > and not policy after
> > all. Is/Was anything mentioned in the "circle chair
> > discussion" to be
> > believed by the Market Makers?
> >
> >     While e-Gold, Ltd. may have issues with
> > competing currencies such as
> > OSGold, GoldMoney and Standard Reserve, will e-Gold,
> > Ltd. or G&SR (dba
> > Omnipay) always strive to stifle the growth of the
> > overall Gold Economy by
> > censoring the information that is directly available
> > to e-gold users?  By
> > eliminating all links to websites that make
> > reference to OSGold, you have
> > effectively eliminated the choices that new e-gold
> > users have in choosing a
> > Market Maker which best fits their specific needs.
> > Outside of eliminating
> > the "mentioning OSGold" on such websites...what
> > possible positive results
> > could materialize from removing links to the MAJOR
> > e-gold Market Makers from
> > the Directory?  Business Express, Gold Now, Git-Gold
> > and Gaithmans Gold
> > Nation, Inc. (just the ones I immediately noticed)
> > are four of the top
> > services which provide InExchange and OutExchange
> > services for YOUR client
> > base.  You are effectively telling YOUR clients you
> > have the right to
> > control what information THEY can and cannot view by
> > REACTING in such a
> > fashion.  Is e-Gold, Ltd. really the ONLY
> > gold-backed, digital currency
> > available to the Gold Economy population?  No, it is
> > not.  It was the first,
> > but not the last.  Will you next eliminate the links
> > to those services who
> > whisper the good name of Standard Reserve gold as
> > well?  How about
> > GoldMoney?  3PGold?  e-Bullion?  Is it really in the
> > best interest of e-gold
> > users to be told that e-gold is the ONLY gold
> > currency? Uhm..please explain
> > why again it effects e-Gold, Ltd. if a website
> > contains information on
> > multiple currencies?  Seems to me that is in the
> > best interest of the
> > clients and customers, am I incorrect in that
> > assumption?
> >
> >     I have been perplexed over the past year as to
> > how something that was
> > working so efficiently last August (e-gold and
> > Market Maker relationships)
> > deteriorated so quickly into an "US vs. THEM"
> > mentality.  The IR S seemed to
> > add fuel to the fire rather than promote the
> > cohesion of said relationships.
> > Promises or "talks" made at the conference
> > continuously get broken.
> > Requests for simple information from the Market
> > Makers gets ignored.  (I am
> > still waiting just to hear from you about the
> > requirements for gold purchase
> > amounts of MM's that I asked several days ago.)
> > Shifts in InExchange
> > requirements are announced without informing the
> > MM's a few weeks ago.  Now,
> > we wake up to find out that e-gold does not want to
> > be associated with
> > OSGold (cool, so don't big deal) so they
> > have terminated links to
> > the MM's who DO want to be associated with OSGold.
> > This kind of reminds me
> > of the way my nephew dislikes sharing his Tonka Toy
> > dump truck with my
> > niece, so he hides it under the bed when she wakes
> > from her naps!
> >
> >     Communication is normally comprised of a two way
> > channel.  I can see
> > something like:
> >
> > "Hello, we have concluded that we do have some
> > issues with another gold
> > currency that some of you also work with.  We feel
> > that this may be a
> > conflict of interest because (fill in your feelings
> > here).  Therefore, we
> > would like to request you remove said currency's
> > information from your
> > website until such time that this issue can be
> > resolved.  If you so choose
> > not to, then within 24 hours your links will be
> > removed from our website."
> >
> >     having a positive impact on the relationship
> > with the people who sell
> > your product.  However:
> >
> >    "We have decided to censor what e-gold users my
> > learn about, oops, I mean
> >
> >  >   We do not wish to be associated, even
> > indirectly, with;
> > > therefore, we have removed all links from the
> > e-gold website to websites
> > > that link or make reference to
> >
> >
> >     Sounds more like e-Gold, Ltd. is getting nervous
> > about the amount of
> > business that  OSGold is starting to transact.  It
> > has been pointed out on a
> > number of occasions by a few members of the G&SR
> > administration and
> > Discussion List subscribers that OSGold is not a
> > serious competitor, I think
> > the adjectives "scam" or "joke" may have even thrown
> > out. IF it is to be
> > taken so lightly, why have you reacted with the
> > force of a double barrel
> > shot gun blast to the oral cavity of the cranium?
> > Truthfully, Gaithmans has
> > not even completed a single transaction for OSGold
> > as of yet, but you make
> > me think that I must be missing out on some
> > lucrative profits.  Can you at
> > LEAST take about, oh, five minutes to explain you
> > decision and hasty move?
> > (Don't worry, we all know you have to check with a
> > certain close relative
> > before you reply, we will patiently wait for him to
> > give you permission.)
> > (Insert Jeopardy theme song music here)
> >
> >     Many of us MM's have prodded you in the past to
> > be more responsive, to
> > be more communicative, to help US help the CLIENTS
> > of e-gold.  Should they
> > (e-gold users) see this as your, (help me here,
> > Regis!) your FINAL ANSWER?
> >
> >      Did you consider that some of the Market Makers
> > might listen to your
> > rationales and agree with you?  Ironically, this
> > action just shows that you
> > (e-Gold, Ltd. and G&SR) have NO CONCERN whatsoever
> > for the Market Makers.  I
> > am starting to see this a little clearer now...we
> > ARE of use as long as we
> > only mention e-gold, fill orders, and NOT educate
> > our client base on what
> > may benefit them best.  IF we promote any
> > alternatives, we will be
> > vaporized.  I think I got it now.
> >
> >     Well, Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc. can still be
> > found at
> >
> >
> >      Gold Now can still be found at
> >
> >      Business Express (I think) is still at
> >
> >
> === message truncated ===
> =====
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The Gold Casino!
> "Find something you love to do and you will never have to work another
> day in your life." -- Harvey MacKay
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