Eric....just like our government...trying to tell us
how we can spend our money....ugh....

Joyce Marie

--- "Eric J. Gaither" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Reid,
> (snip)
> > We do not wish to be associated, even indirectly,
> with;
> > therefore, we have removed all links from the
> e-gold website to websites
> > that link or make reference to
> (end snip)
>    Your actions seem rather hasty, in my modest
> (unsolicited) opinion.
> Omnipay has once again made a rather major policy
> change without the
> courtesy of informing the Market Makers before
> implementation.  While I do
> realize that e-Gold, Ltd., G&SR (dba Omnipay) can
> (and frequently do) make
> any decision they please and  implement them with
> lightening speed, this
> type of inconsideration for the companies that allow
> the general public INTO
> the e-gold system does little to promote a
> cooperative effort.  I
> specifically remember hearing discussion of e-Gold,
> Ltd. and G&SR (Omnipay)
> giving Market Makers 30 days notice BEFORE such
> major policy changes would
> be put into effect at the Indian River Summit hosted
> by G&SR on Oct. of
> 2000.   Now, this may have only been "talk" at the
> time, but I (speaking for
> myself, no one else) was under the impression this
> was going to be carried
> out.  It appears, sadly enough, this was just "talk"
> and not policy after
> all. Is/Was anything mentioned in the "circle chair
> discussion" to be
> believed by the Market Makers?
>     While e-Gold, Ltd. may have issues with
> competing currencies such as
> OSGold, GoldMoney and Standard Reserve, will e-Gold,
> Ltd. or G&SR (dba
> Omnipay) always strive to stifle the growth of the
> overall Gold Economy by
> censoring the information that is directly available
> to e-gold users?  By
> eliminating all links to websites that make
> reference to OSGold, you have
> effectively eliminated the choices that new e-gold
> users have in choosing a
> Market Maker which best fits their specific needs. 
> Outside of eliminating
> the "mentioning OSGold" on such websites...what
> possible positive results
> could materialize from removing links to the MAJOR
> e-gold Market Makers from
> the Directory?  Business Express, Gold Now, Git-Gold
> and Gaithmans Gold
> Nation, Inc. (just the ones I immediately noticed)
> are four of the top
> services which provide InExchange and OutExchange
> services for YOUR client
> base.  You are effectively telling YOUR clients you
> have the right to
> control what information THEY can and cannot view by
> REACTING in such a
> fashion.  Is e-Gold, Ltd. really the ONLY
> gold-backed, digital currency
> available to the Gold Economy population?  No, it is
> not.  It was the first,
> but not the last.  Will you next eliminate the links
> to those services who
> whisper the good name of Standard Reserve gold as
> well?  How about
> GoldMoney?  3PGold?  e-Bullion?  Is it really in the
> best interest of e-gold
> users to be told that e-gold is the ONLY gold
> currency? Uhm..please explain
> why again it effects e-Gold, Ltd. if a website
> contains information on
> multiple currencies?  Seems to me that is in the
> best interest of the
> clients and customers, am I incorrect in that
> assumption?
>     I have been perplexed over the past year as to
> how something that was
> working so efficiently last August (e-gold and
> Market Maker relationships)
> deteriorated so quickly into an "US vs. THEM"
> mentality.  The IR S seemed to
> add fuel to the fire rather than promote the
> cohesion of said relationships.
> Promises or "talks" made at the conference
> continuously get broken.
> Requests for simple information from the Market
> Makers gets ignored.  (I am
> still waiting just to hear from you about the
> requirements for gold purchase
> amounts of MM's that I asked several days ago.) 
> Shifts in InExchange
> requirements are announced without informing the
> MM's a few weeks ago.  Now,
> we wake up to find out that e-gold does not want to
> be associated with
> OSGold (cool, so don't big deal) so they
> have terminated links to
> the MM's who DO want to be associated with OSGold. 
> This kind of reminds me
> of the way my nephew dislikes sharing his Tonka Toy
> dump truck with my
> niece, so he hides it under the bed when she wakes
> from her naps!
>     Communication is normally comprised of a two way
> channel.  I can see
> something like:
> "Hello, we have concluded that we do have some
> issues with another gold
> currency that some of you also work with.  We feel
> that this may be a
> conflict of interest because (fill in your feelings
> here).  Therefore, we
> would like to request you remove said currency's
> information from your
> website until such time that this issue can be
> resolved.  If you so choose
> not to, then within 24 hours your links will be
> removed from our website."
>     having a positive impact on the relationship
> with the people who sell
> your product.  However:
>    "We have decided to censor what e-gold users my
> learn about, oops, I mean
>  >   We do not wish to be associated, even
> indirectly, with;
> > therefore, we have removed all links from the
> e-gold website to websites
> > that link or make reference to
>     Sounds more like e-Gold, Ltd. is getting nervous
> about the amount of
> business that  OSGold is starting to transact.  It
> has been pointed out on a
> number of occasions by a few members of the G&SR
> administration and
> Discussion List subscribers that OSGold is not a
> serious competitor, I think
> the adjectives "scam" or "joke" may have even thrown
> out. IF it is to be
> taken so lightly, why have you reacted with the
> force of a double barrel
> shot gun blast to the oral cavity of the cranium? 
> Truthfully, Gaithmans has
> not even completed a single transaction for OSGold
> as of yet, but you make
> me think that I must be missing out on some
> lucrative profits.  Can you at
> LEAST take about, oh, five minutes to explain you
> decision and hasty move?
> (Don't worry, we all know you have to check with a
> certain close relative
> before you reply, we will patiently wait for him to
> give you permission.)
> (Insert Jeopardy theme song music here)
>     Many of us MM's have prodded you in the past to
> be more responsive, to
> be more communicative, to help US help the CLIENTS
> of e-gold.  Should they
> (e-gold users) see this as your, (help me here,
> Regis!) your FINAL ANSWER?
>      Did you consider that some of the Market Makers
> might listen to your
> rationales and agree with you?  Ironically, this
> action just shows that you
> (e-Gold, Ltd. and G&SR) have NO CONCERN whatsoever
> for the Market Makers.  I
> am starting to see this a little clearer now...we
> ARE of use as long as we
> only mention e-gold, fill orders, and NOT educate
> our client base on what
> may benefit them best.  IF we promote any
> alternatives, we will be
> vaporized.  I think I got it now.
>     Well, Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc. can still be
> found at
>      Gold Now can still be found at
>      Business Express (I think) is still at
=== message truncated ===



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