Please see below.

>As for the rest of the story, I have watched the last two
>months as different
>list members cast their votes against OSGold based on
>assumption, inuendo,
>and pure speculation.  This is all well and good, as it is
>what freedom of speech
>is all about.  This is also the reason you will NEVER see a
>member of out staff
>attack the list or even give credence to these speculations
>by even responding.

I hope you don't mind answering my speculative questions?

>Like I said before, this is not about e-gold or about OSGold,
>at least not for us.  This
>is about the advancement of the gold community as a whole.
>To provide the best possible
>service that we ALL can provide to the gold community at

Frankly, it is pretty much about Osgold and E-gold.  I may not be fully in 
agreement on some of their policies regarding storage and placement of the 
egold reserves, but by and large I do believe e-gold is legitimate in their 
intentions and actions.

1) Where is the gold in Osgold and in what form is it ?

>Did we come into existence with the permission, support, and
>backing of e-gold the way
>that some others have, no we did not.  We came into existence
>so that the gold community
>could REALLY make a choice about where they wanted to conduct
>their business.  Are
>we known in the "gold bug" circle, no we are not.  Does it
>matter, no it does not.

I would say yes it does matter very much so.

I have many follow up questions -- but I will reserve them until after I 
review the response to the above.

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