> Before complaining about a developed country like Australia, you should
> come to know Argentina, where the torturers and murderers of the last
> military government are still free.
Or try Chad. Ick. I spent a year there and saw things that still curl my
hair. People die like flies over there, typically from diseases they get
from drinking the water. There's plenty of money to build modern sewage
systems, but every last franc of it goes directly into the politicians'
offshore bank accounts or into the local chiefs' pockets. People are dying,
and their leaders don't give a good god damn.
But don't let that deter anyone from speaking out against the outrages
occuring in Australia, the U.S. or anywhere else. To rationalize that a
great outrage here is acceptable because there are far greater outrages
elsewhere is to fall into the two-wrongs-make-a-right trap.
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