> Oo, oo, what'd I win? :-D

A goldfish. Delivery will cost 1Kg gold. :)

> > The consumer gets a method of spending over the internet that doesn't
> > leave them wide open for fraud. Their account can only accessed if they
> > allow it. Read one of my other posts before responding to that last
> > statment.
> Not sure which post you're referring to.

It's not at mail-archive.com yet. Search for 'full strength' at

> The problem that sparked this whole discussion is that it's trivial to
> *push* money into people's accounts without their permission.

What I've been ranting and raving against hasn't been spam spends. I've
been going off about e-gold becoming yet another email spam outlet. I
don't have a problem with you're discussing. I don't it will be taken up
seriously though. I can't see it having a high success rate for getting
new customers.

Viking Coder
Worth Two Cents?

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