>Viking Coder wrote:
>> [...]Everybody
>> keeps saying how powerful the gold economy will be several years from now,
>> and then coming up with schemes to make it pre-maturely happen today.
>Agreed, it's a bad idea to rush adoption speed - you need a minimum
>number of *working* *trusted* sites taking e-gold at a mom-and-pop level
>before it can expand again.


That has happened.

That stage has been reached.

> Otherise people will come in, see it as a
>one trick wonder, or as a nifty solution in search of a problem, and
>ignore it in droves.
>It's exactly the same thing as the fluff over "e-commerce" before it was
>actually useful, or the big fuss about "WAP phones" when there's about
>three sites that support them.

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