
That is an excellent idea, we need to spread the
gospel of gold currency, to gain more widespread

The problem is far more acute, here in Europe, ask the
average person and he doesn't know what you are
talking about.  Some time ago, I conducted a survey in
an office of close to 40 computer literate people
(almost all of whom have computers at home), and only
5 had ever heard of e-gold, and none had accounts
(they do now!).

Euro Gold Line is addressing the other cause for many
Europeans failing to use Gold currency, mainly the
cost of sending funds. Our clients in all of the Euro
countries, plus a number of other countries will be
able to avoid the high cost of international transfers
and unexpected intermediatory bank charges as we open
banking relationships in those countries over the next
few weeks.  Our clients in the UK and N. Ireland have,
repeatedly told us that in order to fund their
accounts it is costing them a minimum of $45 to $55 or
more.  When these accounts are in place, the cost will
be a LOCAL transfer and our new all inclusive fee of
$15 (at the low end of funding), thereby saving the
client $30 to $40. A side benefit to this will be
faster receipt/sending of funds.

In the relatively short time that Euro Gold Line has
been in operation we have been able to build up a
solid base of loyal clients, of which we are proud. 
Furthermore most new business comes from referrals by
these clients.  Not only do we look for ways we can
better serve our clients needs, we encourage them to
let us know how we can better serve them.

Spreading the word is always difficult.  Just for
laughs, I spoke to a Yahoo representative the other
day, about a ad campaign.  However, the first thing I
bought out is that although Euro Gold Line is found in
the YAhoo search engine the text reflects our counter,
and that there form to modify does not work.  The
answer I don't know anything about that, but you
should consider and advertising campaign of at least
$5000.  My answer was if you can't the listing right
why would I spend a MINIMUM of $5000 with you?  I am
still awaiting a reply for that.


Euro Gold Line
tel:  +31-26-844-0113
fax:  +31-26-844-0342

--- Michael Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I dunno if e-gold has considered it but they might
> want to 
> > consider sending 
> > an electronic
> > newsletter to all its account holders
> periodically, new businesses 
> > could 
> > advertise in the
> > newletter. It could be as simple as sending the
> most recent news 
> > from the 
> > "e-gold News"
> > page. If the newsletter had other items of
> interest such as on 
> > privacy, 
> > liberty, etc, it might
> > end up be forwarded to others and end end up
> pulling in new customers.
> > Of course, people should be able to opt out from
> receiving the 
> > news letter.
> this is one of the most sensible ideas I have seen
> yet.
> 1)It would enable advertisers to reach e-gold
> account holders.
> 2)provide further income for e-gold
> 3)provide a platform for e-gold to promote their
> cause.
> 4)keep alive the e-gold dream  and improve activity
> of e-gold accounts.
> www.gold-today,com
>  ---------------------------------------------
>  Receive faxes 24x7, no second line necessary.
>            http://www.mbox.com.au/

> ---
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