Ian Green wrote:


From: "Ian Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 18:18:55 +1000
X-Message-Number: 1

You're kidding me! Someone just speculated on this list on the damage that
could be done if the mechanism of an "I love you" or "Anna Kournikova"
virus, were used to propagate a claim that a particular bank is bankrupt,
and people should immediately withdraw their money! (The main mechanism is
the use of email and an instruction to spread the word, or sometimes
automated forwarding.) Now only hours later someone does it!

Rumours like this have brought down many a stronger financial institution
(because of partial reserve backing). Please, Destiny Worldwide, provide
verifiable primary evidence, and do not ask people to "spread the word" on
imperfect and incomplete information.

Let's get a couple of things straight, Ian:

1.  I subscribe to the digest version, so I had no idea that someone had
speculated on this subject before I mentioned it.

2. Our agents are prominent attorneys in Latvia and they provide us with
accurate information on issues such as this.  We would not send information
of this nature if we were not certian it was reliable.

3.  We do not provide information on our contacts to anyone except
customers.  If someone does not wish to take our word for something, that is
their own problem.

4.  This announcement was made as a public service, and I do not appreciate
having rude comments made for doing such a service.  I was treated this way
on another mailing list sometime ago, and so I quit helping, and some people
lost some money because I knew something about what was under discussion,
but since my comments were not welcome on that group, I kept it to myself
and they lost money.

5.  We are not desperate to promote ourselves or our products and services.
We have all the business that we need, although we do welcome new customers.
We therefore do not engage in high pressure promotion tactics or spam or any
other such terrible practices.  We are in the process of becoming even more
private than we are already, as offshore businesses are under attack
everywhere, and the more private the business is, the better it is for both
the business and the customer.

I don't have an account with this bank, but I still would not like a run
like this to bring down this or any other bank that provides good services
to small, not necessarily rich, individual international clients, that most
banks refuse to provide.

You certainly cannot blame their bankruptcy on us, as it had already
happened when we were informed, or was within hours of happening.  I think
when the email warning was sent to us, they might have still been open, but
they apparantly closed hours later.  Paritate provided one of the worst
levels of customer service, and has given a bad reputation to other banks in
Latvia.  We use two other banks there, and the service is much superior to
Paritate's, so the real sad thing is what they have doen to the offshore
banking business and Latvia.  I hope the rest of this list does not view our
desire to help, or, when the next bit of information comes across my desk
that could be of help I will just let it slide.




Ian Green

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