Julian Morrison wrote:
> Craig Spencer wrote:
> >
> > Julian Morrison wrote:
> >
> > > a) If you do business with unidentified people, you can be dragged into
> > > their crimes, you can be swindled, and you can help crime in general
> > > prosper.
> >
> > Strictly speaking the problem is not that they are unidentified.  It is
> > that they are criminals.  Identification may filter out some of the
> > criminals but it does not filter out all of them and it interferes
> > with some perfectly legitimate business.

Oops, forgot to finish this para. Identification is a problem if it
drags you into their mess. Them being a criminal is a separate problem,
and one that can quite possibly be left to law enforcement and old
fashioned detective skills or "stings" to prevent.

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