>  Two questions:


>What do your acronyms stand for? 1mdc

It might stand for 1st Metal Deposit Corporation.

(Although, "deposit" is a banking term, and this is an "anti-bank", 
it has nothing to do with banking.)

 From https://www.1mdc.com/ :

        "Much as e-gold is an "anti-money", 1mdc could be considered
        an "anti-bank". A bank: takes your wealth, expects you to trust
        it, spends the wealth, pays nothing from pocket, and has none
        of your wealth on hand. 1mdc: takes your wealth, exists
        primarily to earn your trust, stores the wealth, pays bonuses
        from pocket, and has all of your wealth on hand all the time. "

>and GBCBC?

It's a gold-backed-currency-backed-currency.

As Jay pointed out .. 1mdc is

        "e-gold itself, circulated electroncially"

>What are you going to do when you have all the e-gold? *G*

1mdc may soon offer other services that will blow minds.  But, the 
new services will only be available to people who have a lodgement at 

Also, the current bonus rates may not stay as high as they are.  So, lodge now.


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