SnowDog wrote:
> If I use a credit card, with a 1.5% cash-back option, it would
> cost me $985 (plus any taxes). 
You didn't include the hidden costs of using a credit card and/or maintaining a
bank account to support the credit and the card. These add up beginning with
inflation, compelled performances in towing the IRS line, direct and indirect
taxes. FED notes are expensive anyway you look at them. The drag on e-gold is I
cannot buy the things I NEED such as paper for my printer, gas for my truck,
phone company, rent, telephone, etc. or those goods and services that help earn
more e-gold. 

Show or help e-gold members how to earn more e-gold and/or reduce their
dependence on the FED note system, and e-gold will rocket. Economically we are
addicted to the FED system but gold can help break that addiction.

Life, Love and Laughter,
Dale Pond
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
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