On 2 Aug 2001, at 0:41, Ian Green wrote:

> Personally, I have determined to ignore all other gold currencies as I
> want to support the original and the best (safe, reliable,
> trustworthy), e-gold.

I agree with you that e-gold is the original "operating" digital gold 
currency. It is certainly safe, reliable and trustworthy. But is it 
necessarily the best. I like it a lot and have been using it for years. 
But I suggest to you that GoldMoney has a little more than e-gold 
to offer. After all, James Turk of GM is the one who invented DGCs. 
Mr Turk has the patents, and GoldGrams are also safe, reliable 
and trustworthy. I think that both can succeed even if, obviously, e-
gold has the lion's share of the market.

> Although the others are competing against
> e-gold, I believe it is vitally important for the success of Internet
> commerce through 100 percent gold-backed currency for e-gold to
> continue to be the leader and to have the greatest acceptance
> worldwide. 

I disagree... I see nothing wrong with GoldMoney taking the lead or
sharing it with e-gold. This is not to say that all DGCs will succeed. 
IMO, only a few will.

> On the other hand, Standard Reserve frequently quotes very
> high numbers of people being added to their system, but it may not
> always be the gold-based side of their system being quoted, and my
> impression of their fees is that it is expensive.

I suspect that their SR-AUG currency will work simply because of 
the ability to transfer to SR-USD and withdraw the money at an ATM.  


Claude Cormier Public Key

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