For a bit of context...

Subject: Theory vs. Reality
From: "R. A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 10:36:01 -0400

August 15, 2001


Theory vs. Reality

By Charles W. Kadlec. Mr. Kadlec, managing director of J. & W. Seligman &
Co., an investment management firm, is author of "Dow 100,000: Fact or
Fiction" (Prentice Hall, 1999).

An overly strong dollar is getting the blame for a weaker-than-expected
U.S. economy and a raft of earnings disappointments. But the problem goes
deeper. Monetary authorities all over the world are failing to provide
predictable, stable monetary policy. This failure is evident in Turkey and
Brazil, whose currencies are the latest to plummet on foreign-exchange
markets, with currency turmoil now threatening to spread to Mexico and
other developing countries. However, the root of the instability can be
traced to the policies of the world's three key central banks: the Bank of
Japan, the European Central Bank, and the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Policy Challenge

The Bush administration now faces its first international economic-policy
challenge. Equity markets and income statements are forcing the issue
today. Bond and foreign-exchange markets may put policy makers on the spot
in weeks ahead.

1Adios, Peso?
By Robert J. Barro

Today, the three leading central banks of the world have each failed to
provide monetary stability. The Bank of Japan now proclaims that it cannot
stop the deflation that has dragged down that once vibrant economy and
brought its banking system to the edge of insolvency. The ECB has yet to
show that it has the wherewithal to stabilize the value of the euro. And
the Federal Reserve's self-congratulatory public statement that it has
reduced the Fed funds rate by 275 basis points in less than six months only
underlines the fact that it kept interest rates too high, and monetary
policy too tight, far too long. Moreover, the International Strategy and
Investment Group reports that last year there were 153 instances of central
banks hiking interest rates. In a head-spinning reversal, central banks so
far this year have reduced rates at least 87 times.

The failure of central banking underlines the failure of current economic
theory to provide a reliable guide to monetary policy. Just weeks ago, the
financial media were reporting about the weakness of the yen and the euro
relative to the dollar. Now, all we hear are complaints that the dollar had
strengthened by more than 10% against both. Yet no one has specified how to
tell whether the yen and euro are weak, or the dollar is strong. The math
is the same. But the policy implications are as different as night and day:
A weakening euro or yen indicates that the ECB or Bank of Japan should be
tightening; a strengthening dollar indicates that the Fed should be easing.

Next, we are told that the strong dollar is slowing the U.S. economy. Based
on that logic, countries with the weakest currencies should have the
strongest economies. But countries with the weakest currencies, including
Turkey and Indonesia, are among the world's weakest economies. Finally,
conventional wisdom says that the currency of a country that is reducing
interest rates should weaken, while the currency of a country that is
increasing rates should strengthen. Once again, the opposite is occurring.
The dollar is strengthening even as the Fed has cut interest rates, while
the Brazilian real and Turkish lira have fallen dramatically, even as those
countries increased rates dramatically in hopes of stabilizing their

The collision between theory and reality suggests a skeptical view of
conventional theory is warranted. Take the notion that a central bank can
reduce inflation by raising interest rates. However, lower inflation is
associated with lower interest rates, not higher interest rates. So, how
does a policy of raising interest rates lead to lower inflation? In fact,
inflation last year accelerated even as the Fed was raising rates, and has
begun to decelerate this year, even as the Fed reduced rates. Variable
leads and lags are used to paper over this discrepancy. So, too, the notion
that throwing people out of work and otherwise causing a shortfall in
output reduces inflation. But a shortfall in output leads to increased
price pressures, whereas abundance in output leads to lower inflationary
pressures. A review of gasoline prices over the past year demonstrates this

All of this would be laughable if it were not for the fact that monetary
policy is one of the keys to economic growth and equity-market returns. One
of the hallmarks of the periods of strong growth and above-average
equity-market returns is an improvement in monetary stability. By contrast,
periods of monetary instability have been associated with below-average
growth and equity-market returns.

The key rationale for the current discretionary monetary system is that
monetary authorities must have flexibility to manipulate policy in order to
stabilize the economy. Yet that flexibility itself has become the source of
economic and financial-market instability. Although we can applaud the Fed
for aggressively lowering interest rates this year, we should not forget
that as late as December, it held rates high, and monetary policy tight, in
order to slow an economy it deemed too strong.

In addition, the lack of a predictable monetary stability has kept
long-term interest rates extraordinarily high given that the U.S. is at
peace and that the federal government will run budget surpluses as far as
the eye can see. In 1964 -- in a period of above average growth, small
deficits, and a Cold War burden -- the Fed funds rate was 3.5%, only 25
basis points below today's target rate. However, the prime rate was 4.5%,
not today's 6.75%. Corporations at the bottom of the investment grade
rankings could borrow long-term money at 4.8%, 3.2 percentage points below
today's rates. The federal government could float 10-year bonds at 4.2%,
instead of today's 5.2%. And families could finance the purchase of their
homes with mortgage rates at 5.8% compared to more than 7% today. We can
only imagine how much better the economy would perform with the restoration
of such interest rates.

What produced those low, stable interest rates then was a monetary system
based on a price rule. In the Bretton Woods era, the Fed was committed to
targeting the price of gold. By maintaining a stable rate of exchange
between the dollar and gold, monetary policy achieved its goal of providing
a stable price environment and predictable monetary stability. Only when
the Fed began to renege on this promise beginning in 1968 did long-term
interest rates on government bonds begin to rise significantly above 5%.
And, only after the link between the dollar and gold was severed on Aug.
15, 1971 -- today is the 30th anniversary of that decision by Richard Nixon
-- did the world enter into the great inflation of the 1970s.

Necessary Step

Movement back toward an explicit price rule by the Fed may be a necessary
step in restoring global monetary stability and above-average growth in the
economy. Historically, the price rule of choice was fixing a currency's
value in terms of gold. A gold standard is not intellectually fashionable
today. However, the issue was reintroduced into the political realm by Jack
Kemp's call for a gold standard in a recent article on this page2. What's
important in this debate, however, is not gold, per se, but the need for a
standard. A basket of commodities that includes gold could well provide a
better proxy for the overall price level, and hence a better standard, than
gold alone.

Markets have a way of pushing policy makers toward improving policy, or
punishing them for their lack of ability or desire to do so. Once again, we
are approaching a time when markets may test the best in the U.S., Japan
and Europe to find a way to finish the last great piece of business from
the Great Inflation of the '70s -- the restoration of a stable, predictable
and global monetary system.

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"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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