> I think 'DGC' is a better acronym!

Not really. That acronym makes no distinction between the true gold
currencies and OSGold.

> there's nothing "backed" about e-gold.  

uh... What word would you suggest that means that all the database entries
in our accounts is equivalent to hard metal in secured, unallocated
storage, and a sufficiently large database entrie can be redeemed for a
hard metal brick or sponge?

What, exactly, is your problem with the word 'backed'?

> the day e-gold is "backed" by gold is the day we all stop using e-gold.

The day e-gold isn't backed by gold is the day most people will stop using
e-gold. (Most because there are people that use OSGold)

> e-gold is no more "backed" by gold than the local self-storage 
> lock-up sheds that I use are "backed" by my excess furniture and 
> boxes of books!


The local self-storage lock-up sheds are still valid lock-up sheds without
any excess furniture, or any other misc. detritus. e-gold isn't a valid
'digital gold currency' without the physical hard gold bricks. Does your
local self-storage place give you 'detritus bucks' equivalent to the value
of the stuff in your lock-up shed? e-gold does give you value-denominated
assets (database entries) for storing gold with them.

e-gold is backed by gold. What is the invalid meaning in that statement?

> Words have meanings (unless you're a socialist).

Words still have meanings then. The ruling party just tries to change what
the accepted meaning is or simply remove it from the vocabulary if it
displeases them.

Viking Coder
Worth Two Cents?

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Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

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