> Gold is not backed by gold.

Gold is backed by the Strong Nuclear Force :)

A fundamental physical force that acts on hadrons and is responsible for
the binding together of protons and neutrons...

Is this example right??
If someone prints 10 dollar e-gold notes, they could be backed by 1 gram
of gold. 1 gram notes might be backed by 1 gram. And 1 gram inventory
receipts would be 1 gram.

e-gold is gold. 50 grams of e-gold is any 50 grams of e-gold's stash.

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Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

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