Mario Tamaki and interested others,

I'm following up on Mario's posting to let you know why Elwyn's and my
names are listed on the DNS record for the DailyGold domain name. Please
be aware that DailyGold (aka World Club Gold) has no current business
relationship with Standard Reserve.

The principal behind DailyGold originally approached Standard Reserve with
the proposal of a business, utilizing Standard Reserve's system, that
would distribute donation money from US-based Christians for
internationally-based missionaries. We were pleased to be associated with
such an innovative business, and provided some consulting and web
development services to them in order to assist them develop this business
concept. As part of the web development services, we registered the domain
name for DailyGold. (All Standard Reserve domain names are or have been
registered in the name of Paradot Limited, which has a volume account due
the high number of domain names being registered. Ken is correct in
pointing out that Elwyn, on behalf of the Standard Group of Companies,
registers a large number of domains for ourselves and our partners to

As it turned out, DailyGold hadn't been entirely forthcoming in revealing
to us their business model. DailyGold elected to ignore the web
development we had performed for them---because our web development had
quite a different focus---and their web site revealed to us that they in
fact were employing an "MLM business model." We were not comfortable with
the claims, presentation and financial structure of the system. We refused
to sign the contract with us that the DailyGold principal's were seeking.

There is a lot more that could be said in this sad history, including the
relationship of "World Club Gold" with DailyGold. Nevertheless, I am 
restrained from providing any more details due to legal reasons.

Please be aware Standard Reserve recommends you DO NOT purchase Standard 
Reserve products from DailyGold (aka World Club Gold). DailyGold has no 
business relationship with Standard Reserve, and are completely unable to
fulfil any orders with Standard Reserve product.

Loryn E. Jenkins
Chief Technical Officer
Standard Transactions (BVI) Limited

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