There's an "old saying" that "a man's reasonable suit of clothing .. 
such as a merchant might wear [neither a king nor a serf] ... has 
ALWAYS COST about ONE OUNCE of gold"

That's roughly true -- for $300 today you can get a pair of Nikes and 
polo shirt and some undies and a pair of Levis or slacks.  (See 
caveat below.)

And people dig up historical examples from Roman times, etc.

This is and interesting observation and says something anecdotal 
abotu the nature of inflation and money, etc etc.  Go gold!

One interesting caveat though: it's important to note that, IN THE 
LAST 100-200 years, due to the mind-bending advances in technology 
caused by the progress of laissez-faire capitalism, there has been 
INCREDIBLE decreases in costs of production of stuff (or, increase in 
quality, which is the same thing)

Thus consider my example above about levis, nikes, ralph lauren etc 
.... note that for MUCH LESS, say $50 or even less, you CAN get 
absolutely acceptable clothes --- you can pop into Target or K-Mart 
and get a simple business shirt ($5), pants ($10), undies ($5) and a 
nice pair of canvas shoes ($10) ... all of which would FANTASTICALLY 
EXCEED in quality anything anyone could get before a few hundred 
years ago.

So, the old saying "a man's reasonable suit of clothing has ALWAYS 
COST about ONE OUNCE of gold", is a great observation and very 
interesting, but, it is worth remembering that die to the incredible 
technological advances of the last couple centuries, real prices have 
actually DROPPED substantially.

>| I heard a statement at a conference last week that Christ's robes cost 30
>| grams of gold, or the equivalent value in today's dollars of approx
>| $262.  Which is close to the same price one might pay for a suit of clothes
>| today.  Therefore, in 2,000 years gold has been stable.
>Roman legionaires were payed 1 aureus per month - about 7 grams of gold. Seems
>like an expensive suit, though not impossible.

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