X-Priority: 2 (High)
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 13:02:10 -0500
Subject: Update from XPRESSTRADE...

Dear Valued XPRESSTRADE Customer,

As you undoubtedly know by now, all U.S. financial markets have 
indefinitely halted trading today in response to what appears to be a 
series of well-coordinated terrorist attacks against targets in our 
country.  Obviously this has been an extraordinarily difficult day 
for all Americans, both emotionally and from an economic and business 
perspective.  We're writing to share with you what we know about the 
state of affairs here at XPRESSTRADE and the outlook for the 
resumption of trading.  We also must tell you frankly that there are 
some things that remain totally unclear at this point.

We should begin by telling you initially that the XPRESSTRADE system 
remains unaffected by this morning's events.  All systems are fully 
functional and are operating smoothly.   Since our facilities are 
located in Chicago, no XPRESSTRADE software or hardware has been 
adversely impacted.  You should continue to have full online access 
to your account at the present time.

The Internet in general appears to be performing well, according to a 
variety of tests that we have run from our Chicago offices.  However, 
though we are unaware of any problems with the Internet in general, 
we would not surprised to learn that some Internet Service Providers 
may be negatively impacted or that some Internet congestion may occur 
in coming days due to destruction of or damage to Internet 
infrastructure on the East Coast.  It's simply too early to tell at 
this point in time.  If you do encounter any difficulty in reaching 
the XPRESSTRADE site for any reason, we hope that you'll not hesitate 
to contact our Customer Service representatives by e-mail or 
telephone.  They are knowledgeable, well-trained, courteous, quick, 
and eager to assist you in any way possible.  For today, most of our 
employees have been excused early -- the Chicago Mercantile Exchange 
in which our offices are located has been virtually evacuated as a 
precaution -- but we do expect to have our normal staff back at their 
workstations tomorrow morning.

All U.S. financial markets are currently closed, and we honestly have 
no idea as to when they might be expected to resume trading.  While 
we would like to believe that trading will reopen tomorrow morning, 
we think it likely that this halt may last for more than one day, 
given the magnitude of the catastrophe.  Quite candidly, the 
exchanges simply don't know at this point when trading will resume. 
However, you can be assured that XPRESSTRADE will monitor this 
situation closely and will pass along to you any information as it 
becomes available.  It's therefore critical that you conscientiously 
check your account and your e-mail on a frequent and regular basis 
this week.  We will be sure to share any developments with you.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this most 
unusual and saddening chain of events.  Again, we will keep you 
abreast of any developments -- please do your best to remain calm and 
level-headed in the meantime.  Thank you for using XPRESSTRADE.  We 
appreciate your business and the opportunity to be of service to you.


Chicago Mercantile Exchange Center
Chicago USA

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