SnowDog wrote:

> > Let's say the 'Great Reckoning'
> > all happens and the USD goes to hell.  The credit cycle is over!
> I don't understand. How do you envision this 'end-game' scenario coming
> about? What do you see happening to the value of the USD, and how can it
> significantly change in value?

The corruption in government which accompanies the continued use of our
unlawful monetary system rubs off onto the rest of us. A continuous loss
of buying power of the currency means more cunning, scheming, and sharp
dealing among the people if they want to prosper. It becomes him or me,
as worsening economic conditions force many businesses and individuals
to the wall.

Have you had to turn in your gun yet, your gold again?

Did you have to provide your Social Security account number for a recent
pizza delivery?

Did you have to remove your clothes to board an airoplane?

Did your Enron pure gas play 401K legally vaporize,  while your
terrorist account froze dead (seized)?

So these Federal Reserve checks are endorsed by the government,
deposited in a Federal Reserve bank, and used to pay government expenses
by checks which create the first wave of fiat (unbacked paper) money
that floods into the economy. Recipients deposit these checks into
commercial banks that are part of the Fed system. Here is where the real
inflationary action is.

Commercial banks, like the Federal Reserve, also create money out of
nothing - and collect interest on it - by multiplying every dollar
deposited nine times. This amazing feat is accomplished through the
device of fractional reserves. The Fed allows 90 percent of deposits to
be loaned out. As deposits become loans and loans become deposits, this
process repeats with smaller numbers each time around.

The Fed Res banking cartel creates an amount of money that is nine times
the amount of the original government debt that made the process
possible. When the original debt is added in, the Federal Reserve and
the commercial banks together have created approximately ten times the
amount of the underlying government debt. Since this newly created money
causes the purchasing power of all money to decline, the resulting rise
in prices is a hidden tax.

This system is doomed to fail in your life time, sooner than later.

He held his wealth in paper. Then came the dollars Doom. His caskets
lined with greenbacks and T-Bills mark his tomb.
Kind Regards.
Mark S. Öhberg

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