> http://interestingsoftware.com/alanbot
> >All it does is filter the image.
> >Get it to  assign appropriate ASCII values to those graphics and then
> >you got a threat -- not to difficult to do.
> >
> Parker, what the HELL are you talking about?  What's got into you
> man?  You're talking out your ass! :)  To comment that "all it does
> is filter the image" is nuts man!
> It's quite tricky, difficult and subtle.
> If it's so easy, someone else do it. Geesh!

-- break -- . . . 

> The final stage (using OCR software to write down the number) is
> trivial.  It's so trivial I didn't even bother doing it.  (I'll add
> it for you man!)  Once you have 6 digits, clear, in a tidy line, the
> job is done.

. . .  break . . .

> .. to use dimensional 3d characters, rotated randomly on all axis,
> ramdonly lit, sized, edged.
> Humans can easily figure it out, but it's a spectacularly difficult
> computing problem (it's a true AI problem, not just some mucking
> about with gifs).

Was not trying to denigrate the quality of the demonstration or the
superb abilities of ISL!

 But I have had to write a barage of custom imaging software myself,
have experimented much in this area, and appreciate the nuances of the
field -- perhaps I was to flippant in my response. It's just that I've
seen so much of this kind of thing already (though not all of it does it
well . . . 10 points for ISL!!!) 

What I was trying to imply, in as few words as possible, is that an
appropriately designed (designed to utilize certain aspects of human
vision)  turing image would make it much more difficult for an
autonomous program to process the information and generate correct
results for an OCR interpreter.

The other thing I was hinting at, is that most turing images in use are
too simple -- in my humble opinion.


P.S.: Let me reiterate. . . excellent work ISL! ISL IS AWESOME!!!! All
bow down to ISL!  :-)
. . . I mean it; ISL is AWESOME! & so is JPM!

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