At 12:22 AM -0500 1/31/02, Alexis Golzman wrote:
>Please help me get out of Argentina by adding a listing to my directory
>It's VERY cheap.

Hi Alexis. While I can understand your feelings and I wish you luck in
your venture, I also sit here imagining myself as you. Yes, Argentina
is a mess, but you have a couple of MAJOR advantages over the
average person in your country!

1. You know about e-gold, and have an account.
2. You have access to the internet, at least intermittently.

I know that things may seem hopeless sometimes, but don't these
two advantages seem like an opportunity for you? I hope that they 
are. Tell your local newspaper about e-gold, and start selling it (at
a mark-up!) to others! That's what I'd do if I were you. Thanks.

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