> > Besides any opinion you supply I would consider biased since you
> > work for goldmoney by providing Cambio services.
>Well it is true. But I am also an e-gold market maker.

Indeed, I'm sure you are but that is e-gold's problem and not mine.

>Well to solve the issue, I suggest you read article VIII B & C.

This may solve the issue in your mind? are these Candian statutes? US 
Federal Code? articles from the Republic of the Congo? What?
I would suggest you be a bit more specific.

>Then go to your US lawyer and ask him what is an "undivided

Ouch, did I touch a nerve here? Actually I don't need to go to a US lawyer 
to find out what undivided interest is (as I am not party or counterparty to 
the lawsuit in question) nor do I think CANADIAN REAL ESTATE LAW is 
applicable in this instance.

Why should I PAY a laywer to explain to me why YOU are mis-informed?

Since you are so certain of you claims, Please, feel free to explain EXACTLY 
HOW the Patent(s) is being violated??

I would be the 1st to apologize to you in public and sing your praises from 
the highest peaks of Canada if I am mistaken, so take this opportunity to 
bathe me in goldmoney wisdom and enlighten this poor misguided soul!


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