> I vaguely remember hearing that there was actually a concerted effort in
> Nigeria to destabilize Western economies through rampant fraud.  I don't
> remember where I heard this or how reliable it was, though.  The simple
> desire for immoral profit is probably the motive for most of these "I want
> to deposit millions of dollars into your bank account" scams.

I would be very careful with these people. It may seem ridiculous to us but
the Nigerians are very serious about getting your money. I saw documentary
once about two Ministers (the religious kind) from South Carolina who sadly
fell for a similiar Nigerian scam, actually travelled to Nigeria to meet
with the scammers and were prompthly kidnapped for ransom. The CIA had to go
and get them back.

I say what do you expect from a country that is so corrupt that even the
garbage collectors don't work and get paid anyway. I saw pictures of the
capitol city where mountains (mountains two stories high and growing daily)
of garbage co-existed with the skyscrapers throughout the city. At the time
people were just throwing the trash out the window. You couldn't even see
the sidewalks and the streets were slowly disappearing.

And I thought New York looked bad during the garbage strike.


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