"3.)Best of all --  It turns out that crude oil is actually a 
renewable resource. A recent, accidental discovery has revealed that 
crude oils are a natural waste product of certain types of anerobic 
bactiria (conversely there are many specie of naturally occuring 
bacteria that consume hydrocarbon products -- be they from geological 
deposits, other bacteria, or other wise). What happened is that some 
biologist was tramping around a salt mash and noticed some oily scum. 
Thinking there was an oil leak, or spill someplace messing up his 
beautiful marsh; he took a sample for anaylsys, and set about making 
inquiries as to possible spills &/or leaks. His anaylsis of the sample, 
and further tests & culturing of muck from the marsh revealed that the 
oil was naturally occuring and was produced by several specie of 
anerobic bacteria. Proper culturing and enhancement of these bacteria in 
a production environment would give us all the crude oil we ever need, 
and for a tiny fraction of the cost that is currently necessary."

I would be very interested in learning more about this. Can you direct
me to the literature, or a Web page or whatever?

Marc de Piolenc

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