> This should be great, but I always liked the ability with 2cw for the payer
> to decide how much to spend (to pay whatever *they* think it is worth)! An
> idea for the "new features"?

This feature, and many others, is already being worked into the coming
all-in-wonder release of fastSCI. The ability to the change the amount
will also soon be available in clicktwocents.

> I love the multi-metal/currency idea and easy means of specifying the 
> parameters though!


> so offering means of paying less requires distinct alternatives

fastSCI is (currently) meant to be a bill presentment utility. Bill
collectors usually get a little testy when the amount received is less
than the requested amount. The average non-programmer can use it to set up
a shopping cart on his site, but it can also be used effectively by the
most knowledgeable techie guru - as Jay proved earlier. Which of the
following is more professional, and convienent?

a) "login to the e-gold site and spend 10 USD of gold to acccount number

b) www.fastsci.com/?456789-10-usd

fastSCI allows shopping carts to appear in places that they never could
before; such as plain-text emails, IM or chatroom discussions, forums that
restrict HTML usage, etc... Functional shopping carts can now even be
placed in offline printed materials.

fastSCI provides for immeadiate action as well. If you receive an email
saying 'a)' then you might put it off, because it involves effort on your
part. However, a message that contains a link for you to click on, and
finish the process quickly, will probably be attended to immeadiately.

- Norse Concepts

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

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