> Eric:  WHAT!!! You are entitled to your own opinion, but for once I feel
> you are mistaken. My unprofessional "outbursts" and "ranting" were a
> DIRECT response to the frenchman ID plagarist's actions and his MLM upline
> affiliation promoter, Eurogoldblah.
> Can I prove this? Absolutely! Get the plagarizing frenchman to change
> his stolen name to ANYTHING else, and you'll never hear from me, on this
> issue, again. I PROMISE!

Graham, you're wrong! It's unprofessional to behave in this way. If you have
a beef with him, then keep it private, and take it to court. There's no
point in damning him in public and certainly no point in EVER calling anyone
and threatening their well-being.


Craig (SnowDog)

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