Ladies and Gents,

  And yet, the old Nigerian scam comes back AGAIN with another twist!

   Be careful whose sappy story you buy!

   Eric  (see below) 

13t presidential avenue

Compliment of the season, I hope this message will
reach you in the best of health and receive your
prompt attention. It is my pleasure to send this
letter to you irrespective of the fact that you do not
know me. However, I came across your profile in my
earnest search for a reliable and trust worthy
individual that can handle a confidential business ofthis magnitude.
My name is Kalisara Sese-seko the first son of late
President of Zaire, now Democratic Republic of Congo
(DRC), Mr. Mobutu Sese-seko. My father later died
while exiled in Morocco. Since the death of
my father, my family has suffered a lot of harassment
from the present government that ousted my father led
by Mr. Laurent Kabila who has been presently murdered.
Recently my mum and other members of the family were
banned from traveling overseas, cu! rrently held up in
our country home in Lumbabashi. Although some money in
both foreign and local currency were recovered
from my father's private apartment, my mum with the
help of a Lebanese contractor (Mr. Hamza Robert) whom
my father helped during his time in active service,
were able to move some suitcases containing foreign
currency totaling US$29.5m (Twenty-nine million, five
Hundred Thousand United States dollars) to a Security
Vault/Finance House in Europe for safety purpose.
I therefore wish to solicit for your kind assistance
towards traveling to Europe for the collection of this
fund on our behalf. You will be duly compensated with
20% of the total sum for your kind assistance,
70% for my family and me while 10% would be used to
upset any expenses that may come up in course of
bringing this project to a successful end.
(end snip)

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