> Do you have any ideas on how can I promote my new http://checkaddress.net
> site?

Make sure you stay within your targeted community and/or industry. Trying to
advertise your site to an untargeted audience will cost you time and money
without results.

Perform your research and be patient. Impatience will cost ya... there are a
couple sites in this industry that are offering advertising options. Watch
out though, as their statistics are what's important, not their price.

> Should I send a message to computer magazines? What magazines? Could that
> be taken as SPAM?

Now-a-days, yes it will be considered as SPAM as most have classified
anything they did not request as such. Ridiculous as it may seem, it's true.
The term SPAM has lost all original meaning over the last 6 years.

You are being smart about it though, don't limit yourself to one area of
promotions. Keep a broad outlook on your possibilities.

> I've seen many "pay-per-visitor" websites, but they seem a complete waste
> of money.

Be very careful of these types of promotions as it matters not the "click"
or the "visitor" as much as it does matter the "income" from the click
and/or the visitor. Clicks can be falsely generated to look like a visitor
when, in fact, it was nobody at all but a script.

Also be careful of huge impression packages for little cost. Make sure you
compare a website's traffic to the amount of impressions you buy. You could
end up waiting for impressions to expire deep into the year 2005.

There are a few people on this list that know much more about Internet
marketing than I do and I hope they contact you with their expertise. As I
have always said, a communicative community is a strong and prosperous
community. However, there are more selfish people here than there are people
willing to share. Be careful Alexis.

Always remember to deal with a targeted platform for best results.

Good luck Alexis, I hope I have helped a little bit. I know you are young
and you are trying hard to make a business happen for you. Listen to
experience and wisdom, try to avoid the hopefuls and promises. Promises
don't generate income, facts do...

You're on the right track though, communicating before blindly purchasing. I
say again, good luck.

Godspeed Alexis.

Kind Regards,

RJ LeVeque
American eCurrency Connection

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