Dear fellow list members,

A while back I asked on this list to see if there is any (well known)
market maker that allows me to by E-Gold in Cyprus. I did not get any
replies on that except some me-too replies....

I have a client that wants to try out this e-gold system but I find it
too expensive to first change his Cypriot pounds to dollars or Euro and
than to pay commission again on buying the gold. :-)

It would be around 5000 Cypriot pounds. Anyone? Also he will need a ca$h
card to take the monies out of an ATM machine. Anyone that has
experience on this subject? I checked out netgoldspend but they do not
work outside of the US. (They might but it's  Then there is that does not seem to fund accounts (See yesterday's
post) and I believe E-Forex has one too. I do not need it to be
anonymous (though it would be nice) as there is nothing to hide but the
funding of e-gold and ATM card should be FAST and professional.

I've been following this list for a while and though I have my doubts
about e-gold's (non existent) auditing of the gold it looks like it is
the most popular DGC on the market.... My client wants to give it a try.
:-) It's like playing roulette and the only number you can gamble on is
0. :-)

Kind Regards,

                Martijn Wismeijer
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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