Dear Ken,

At this stage, I would have to look up the reference.  I recall
that Buckminster Fuller once designed an arcology - a huge city
complex - that would hold the entire world's population on the
surface area of the Galapagos Islands.  Not having the study at
hand, I can't say whether an additional small percentage of the
Earth's surface was dedicated to food production, or if he had
worked that into his design.

Certainly the intelligent use of design increases the more 
markets are left free to operate.  Unfortunately, there is a
surviving movement that claims that all human activity is
waste, that left to our own devices we'll all be destroyed,
and that what is required is some sort of authoritarian regime
to, well, you know, do all those things that central authority
does so well - like murder, pillage, loot, rape.  Gavage.
That sort of thing.

> all of the countries experiencing falling stock markets
> have embraced strong population control measures, 

Um, okay, tell us about the United States, then.  It appears to
be experiencing a falling stock market right now, today.  I
suppose that could be related to the attempts to limit 
immigration with the big fence, but I don't think those attempts
are actually working.  What's a good figure for the USA population?
300 million?  I think it very likely higher, since the USA
bureau of census is entirely incompetent.

>economic suicide?  "Self-genocide"

Yeah, sure.  Assuming that productivity remains constant, an
increase in population generates an increase in production, and
is therefore an economic good.  Since, in fact, productivity is
not constant, but has been increasing significantly in recent
decades, and shows a strong historical tendency to increase
in a compounding fashion, population growth has a multiplier to
economic activity - productivity.  A facile equation:

  economic production = (productivity per person) * population

So with constant population, one wants increasing productivity
to make for economic growth.  "Yada-yada-yada, warden," said
Lenny Bruce.

> One thousand men with only one woman are in danger of extinction.

I don't think the female infanticide policy is Chinese bureau-rat
made policy, but a signal of their ineptitude.  Female infanticide
is a cultural phenomenon, and hard to stamp out.

As policies go, this notion that there is a "carrying capacity" to
the Earth is a lot of nonsense.  Given human ingenuity at living
within a volume of space rather than just on the surface, the
actual volume of Earth's crust which we can address is quite 
huge.  Human adaptation to space has not been well-examined, since
people seem to insist that weightless-adapted humans must be
returned to a one-gravity environment.  Nevertheless, the volume
of space just including the terrestrial planets (Earth, Mars,
Venus, Mercury, Pluto) and terrestrial satellites (Earth's Moon, 
Deimos, Phobos, moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) and
terrestrial planetoids (main Belt, Earth crossing, and cometary
bodies) and ignoring the actual volume of space in the Solar System
itself is hundreds of times the volume of Earth's crust which we
can address.

While I think the "carrying capacity" of the Earth is probably
in the tens of trillions of humans, the carrying capacity of the
Solar System is certainly in the hundreds of trillions.

I strongly suspect that the UN and International Monetary Fund
and various related entities which insist that population control
must be an element of governmental policy, is based upon some
fundamental racism.  Since population growth confers economic
advantage, and since European and "western" populations are not
growing as rapidly as, say, India or China or South America were
in the first half of the Twentieth Century, "something had to be

A bunch of short-sighted nonsense.  Dangerous.  Deadly even, but



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