:: Chad Z. Hower says, "Try it for yourself. And when they come and
:: take your house and car, tell me that they dont have the power."
:: Well, now, Chad, nobody has come for my house or car.  I admit
:: that I don't own a house in the USA, because I am unable to have
:: undivided ownership of it.  I have the use of several houses.

Get big enough to get on their radar, and they will still try. And if you
have any US based assets, and you get on their radar, they can and will take

Im an expat, so Im in a similar situation as you I think - but get on their
radar and they can do all kinds of things to make your life ugly.

:: Well, power is as power does, no doubt.  But, you see, the
:: government can only take things from me that it can show
:: that I own.  Happily, I don't own anything in the USA. I
:: don't sign on any bank accounts, so none can be seized from
:: me.  I don't earn any wages, so they cannot be garnished.
:: Do you sense a pattern, please?

You have income though - if they find that, they will come after it. And if
they are mad enough, they could probably arrest you at the border. I dont
live in the US and dont own anything there. But I do visit on business

I certainly do what I can to minimize, but my accountant can only do so

:: That's not true at all.  A large number of individuals have
:: opted out of the system, with no negative repercussions.  It
:: is certainly not something everyone does equally well.  And
:: the government does have agents with a certain amount of
:: cunning.

Its only because they have escaped the radar. If you are so convinced of it,
I dare anyone to call the IRS and declare their true income and see what

:: quite a bit of time breathing in the air pocket while Teddy
:: pondered calling the cops, called his lawyer, and did not
:: swim to her and help her out.  And her family was not without
:: resources, so they sued.

Yes, but most of us dont have such resources, and the IRS is much bigger and
more powerful than a simple judge.

:: It turns out, though, they sued a pauper.  They were unable
:: to discover any assets of Teddy Kennedy's because he had no
:: assets.  The car he was driving was owned by a trust, and
:: when they discovered the assets of that trust, they learned
:: that it owned only the one car, now quite wet.  Sad for them,
:: of course.

And, he was Ted Kennedy.

:: Can you organize your affairs so that those in government cannot
:: easily reach your assets?  Yes.  Can you organize things so

Easy, I dont live in the US.

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