
WTF are you to make demands on management of GBC's?
I am that I am.

Are you a major shareholder?
I'm not telling you that.  Are you a major, Bosco?

Have you ever built one? Managed one? Sold one? etc..
Again, I'm not telling you.

It is pretty widely known that I am the president of
a company which buys and sells digital internet gold
currencies.  Thus, the manner in which they live up to
their claims is my business.

And who are you, hiding behind a fake name, unable to
determine your own rank?  Very rank, if you ask me.

You didn't even know what a GBC was until you
fumbled across the e-gold site (while in a drunken
 stupor) one night a couple of years ago.
This claim is factually incorrect.  The term "a couple"
means two, and I opened my first e-gold account in 1998.
You can ask one of your college friends to do the
arithmetic for you so you can understand how long ago
that was.  I opened the account owing to a business
relationship with another party who promoted the idea
of money based on real value.  As for your libel about
a drunken stupor, you won't be able to demonstrate that
I've ever been in a drunken stupor.

Whenever you are countered in any forum you reply with
veiled insults
Um, no.  Everyone knows when I insult you.  It isn't
veiled in the least.

and displays of your superior intellect!!
Thanks for the kudos.  I agree with your assessment of
my intellect, and have the scholarships, degrees, and
test scores to prove it.  Also, I'm pretty modest about
it some of the time. <smirk>

superior experience than to have to read the constant
whining and dribble on these forums.
Bosco, nobody on these fora force you to read them. Just
stop.  Stop now.

You can always subscribe to the digest, and use the
down cursor to skip over the less useful stuff; well,
you could if you had any sense.  Or, you could use that
delete key.  Simply trash the messages you don't wish
to read.  The obligation to provide a quality experience
while reading a discussion list lies with the reader,
not with those who post.  It is particularly not an
obligation on an unmoderated list like dgc-chat.  Here
on talk.e-gold one can rely pretty well on the owner
and moderator, Jim Ray, to get in the faces of those
who post persistently untoward messages.

As far as you having the honor on inserting the needles,
I agreed to pay for the privilege of watching you insert
the needles, but only if I get to pick 'em out.  You
don't want my ten grams, that's cool.  I have plenty of
other places to invest my gold.  Mind you, watching you
stick knitting needles into your eyes, all the way in,
and wiggle them about when they touch the back of your
skull, strikes me as a pretty good investment.  (Mr.
Mike used to do impressions of various pop stars as they
might appear if they stuck knitting needles in their eyes,
on the old Saturday Night Live - back when it was funny.)

I think not friend.
Even a cursory investigation would demonstrate that
you think not.  Less clear is how you decided I was
your friend.

I would roll you like a week old doughnut
I see.  Reminds me of the guy in "The Usual Suspects"
who says, "He'll flip ya.  Flip ya for real."  Ooo.
I'm so scared.

 and then charge you $35 for removing my boot from
your ass!!
It is such a pleasure when the conversation extends to
this level of courtesy and sophistication.

You shouldn't talk like a real Texan (when you're not)
And what have you done for Texas?

and let your mouth write checks your body (or will)
can't Cash. You're a Houstonite remember?
And?  You offer to beat me up because you don't like
the way I choose to express myself?  How delightful.

What'd you do there anyway?
Again, to quote from the film "Grosse Pointe Blank"
"I'm not telling you that."

Make about $165K a year at Nasa designing defective
*O-Ring*gaskets that fail and blow up Space Shuttles or
The faster NASA and the shuttle program go away, the better.
I'm with Victor Koman on the benefits of a castastrophic
shuttle failure, as he describes in his book _Kings of
the High Frontier_ which used to be available for e-gold
payment at  I know that's how I bought it.

 Or where you in quality control on the Hubbell Space Telescope
Well, if you knew anything about the HST program you'd
know that its quality control wasn't run out of Houston, right?

I forget??
No, actually, you don't.  But you do have a way of showing
your intellect by running your mouth.

Tell Ole' Danny Goldin I said Hello the next time you see
No, I won't.  I won't see Danny Goldin, I won't tell him "hi"
from something calling itself Major Bosco, even if I did.
Moreover, I don't capitalize pronouns except when they
reference God.

You and Turk are a lot alike,
I don't know about James, but I take this claim as a

both of you always want to run around and
stick your noses in others peoples business.
That's certainly not true.  GoldMoney is James Turk's business.
My business is buying and selling e-gold, e-Bullion, GoldMoney,
and other online currencies.  My company also buys and sells
companies.  It is my business how these online currencies are

If you spent as much time working on your own businesses
as you do commenting on the management of others (like
Turkie) then you would be a friggin' Billionaire by now.
Fortunately, commenting on the status of these businesses and
following the opinions of opinion leaders like James Turk is
a part of my work for my businesses.

It won't be long before everyone's a billionaire.  With the
dollar collapsing like the house of cards it is, built on
the foundation of sand that it was, being a billionaire is
no great triumph.  Not long ago, I visited Italy and was an
instant millionaire, in lira, which is not much of an
accomplishment.  For a long time, it was one of my goals to
be a trillionaire while it still meant something.

But, as E.C. Riegel has pointed out, the value of the dollar
has been so perverted that it is not possible to carry out
comparisons from one year to the next using fiat money.  It
turns out that a big reason people aren't living, working,
and playing in space right now is the lack of a widely
available value-backed currency.

Another problem is the monopolists at NASA who have been
extremely unpleasant about private enterprise space projects.
Thus, not only free market money, but also free market
countries are a necessary precursor to getting off the
planet in any major way.

Thanks again for your message, which proves that you are
all bluster and no intellect.

Free yourself, Bosco.  Not only are you the only one who can,
but also you're the only one who cares.



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