Considering that that vast majority of these so called *anonymous* debit cards are used for criminal activity, I don't blame them for slamming your acct's down. i.e. Just about all the crooks who rip-off e-gold acct's (via key loggers, auction fraud, etc..) use Cards like the one you so vigorously peddled to get their pilfered funds in their dirty little hands.

IMHO Companies who acted in this irresponsible and unethical behavior aided and abetted thievery and deserve what they have coming! After all this (+ ospyrite) you still want to peddle anonymous cards - your signature says: "get your no-name card now"

If you want to be the front man (fencer) for fraud, as well as aid thieves and money launderers then you shouldn't complain when you get treated the way you do by a Bank.

You Sir, are the proverbial loose cannon! With your Banking track record (of constantly having acct's closed, frozen, or being asked to leave) if I were a Bank manager (and saw you coming) I would Pay You to NOT open an acct with my Bank!!


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