No-one said anything about Security.

If you wish to use YOUR Company to be a front for illegal activity then feel free to do so. Just make sure you charge enough for the service to set aside some money for high-power attorneys that can bail you out (they don't come cheap) WTSHTF. Then don't bitch and whine about your Bank acct's getting closed all the time, with Mr. Kelly it seems to be on an almost constant basis (or every several months anyway).

It seems the Companies who operate in a less than professional manner are the ones who are dragging down (as your quote references below) reputations in the DGC community, not me!

If the DGC community DOES NOT Police itself (and do so quickly) then you WILL see Governmental Regulation and Enforcement. Either clean the DGC system up from the inside out and gain mainstream acceptance, or do nothing and watch the system destroyed.


You and they are like drowning non-swimmers thrashing
about in the water. Pay them no heed nor get close or they will drag you down with them.

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