Dear Robert,

Thanks for this post on

It happens that I met a gentleman at this year's
Eris Society conference in Aspen who was promoting
a very similar service.  Based on my review of
both web sites, it looks like the same guy.  While
my acquaintance with him was brief, and I don't
have his permission to use his name on public
lists, he comported himself as a gentleman.

The interesting point that offers
secure web-mail from Sealand is not to be
overlooked.  I believe the first mover advantage
in this industry is held by which
operates from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
I think.  As Canada cooperates in the UKUSA
treaty organization which, among other things
manages the ECHELON database system and the
ELINT/SIGINT sysems which collect for that
database, there is a bit of a worry there.

Another competitor of which I've heard mostly
good things is  It was one of
the software projects which grew out of the
Laissez Faire City project.  My only direct
experience of secure e-mail with an early
version of MailVault was a bad one.  My
business associate Michael van Notten had set
up an account with them when he was at the
LF City headquarters in Costa Rica in 1999.
To my shock, then City Clerk "Jack Freeman"
not only read Michael's e-mails, but actually
had the temerity to reply to one of the
messages I had sent Michael, putting his
comments over his own name and .sig.  When
I confronted "Freeman" on this matter, he was
not apologetic.

the Principality of Sealand, outside the
jurisdiction of any government on earth!
Technically false.  Sealand has its own government,
which is principled and well-conceived.  However,
much depends on the future princes who rule there.
While I have utmost respect for Prince Roy and
his son Crown Prince Michael, it is certainly in
the realm of possibility that a future prince
might be a tyrant.

* Encrypt messages with pass phrases using PGP or GPG
Has the matter of keyboarding passwords been addressed?
I think the Secure Keyboard found on the
log-in page and similar techniques (see and to safeguard against keystroke loggers
are well conceived.

where there will never be a Carnivore
Never, as mentioned above, is a very long time.

* Chat securely using 128-bit SSL encryption

* Secure Message Boards
Cool.  I've seen exactly one implementation of
a PGP encrypted e-mail discussion list.  Very
well done by Randall of

* Protect your privacy with 100% anonymous accounts

* Seagold accepts e-gold for payment and pays
commissions in e-gold.
Well, that sort of blows the anonymity function.
We know of Securities Exchange Commission agents
eating bagels in the e-gold offices in Melbourne,
Florida while reviewing account histories gathered
under subpoena from a Julian Dibbell essay in
Wired magazine.  Jan 2002, I think.

the Principality of Sealand near London,
It is much closer to Felixstowe.

It is fair to point out that Sealand has been
conquered three times in recent history.  Two
adults (Prince Roy and a friend) and one fourteen
year old youth (Crown Prince Michael) went aboard
the abandoned anti-aircraft platform in 1967 or
so, and took it from a couple of squatters for
use as a "pirate" radio transmitting station
during the height of the free market radio
operations.  (Since shut down by the 1982 Law
of the Sea.)

According to Erwin "Filthy Pierre" Strauss's
book _How to Start Your Own Country_, Sealand
was conquered in the late 1970s by a group from
Germany who were recently maintaining a web
site claiming ownership.  This German group
kidnapped Crown Prince Michael and held him
hostage on the platform.

Not long after, Prince Roy organized and
implemented a counter-attack, seizing the
platform and kidnappers.  I gather from the
accounts I've read that there were no deaths
on any of these occasions.

While I think very highly of Sealand as a
location, and a place to do business, and am
involved in finding ways to expand its physical
structure, it does seem fair to point out that
a commando team of Her Majesty's Special Air
Service would make short work of taking the
platform.  I believe that the servers there
would be destroyed in the attack, but that's
not necessarily best for the data haven's

Seagold is run by an international business company,
BRHS, Ltd., domiciled in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Nifty.  It would be fun to know who the creative
minds behind it are, and whether they have a
background working for any 3-letter agencies in
Washington, DC.

It is 100% Microsoft-free.

Seagold is a completely international operation,
of the Internet, by the Internet, and for the
The free market rules!

Wishing you Peace, Prosperity and Privacy,
Which necessarily require private property.



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