>From Bob Hettinga's Philodox Clips email list...The Cryptome
link is especially-fascinating. Citibank's use of the courts to try
to suppress this information is now failing before their eyes. A
good thing, IMNSHO. It should provide a great opportunity for
unintentional-humor in the coming days if they keep flailing, (&
who knows? They might even try to fix the problem!)  :^} If the
exploit has existed since the first ATMs, it'd be about time...

>At 4:41 PM +0000 on 2/21/03, Dave Green wrote:
.                                 orderly cues
>>          Out of Africa into the British courts: a shut-the-hell-up
>>          order from DINERS CLUB, demanding that ROSS ANDERSON AND
>>          HIS CANTAB CRYPTO LEAGUE stop being quite so clever 
>>          forthwith. Ross' Cambridge team had been asked in as expert
>>          witnesses in a South African "phantom ATM withdrawal" case
>>          against the international credit card. Were, the
>>          prosecution asked them, cashpoints really as secure as the
>>          defence made them out to be? Hold on, said Ross, we'll
>>          check. 

(Do any of our South African members have info on this case?)

              A few weeks later, Mike Bond and Piotr Zielinksi
>>          uncovered that - despite endless security controls - a bank
>>          insider could crack a cashpoint card's PIN number on an
>>          internal bank network in an average of fifteen tries. One
>>          employee could saunter off with seven thousand ATM PINs in
>>          half an hour, making an easy two million quid out of their
>>          lunchbreak. This is not the sort of detailed exploit that
>>          Citibank, the owners of Diner's Club, would like widely
>>          known. They have therefore commenced legal shutupshutup
>>          proceedings. And if Citibank's plea succeeds, we're sure
>>          everyone who reads the analysis (now mirrored at Cryptome)
>>          will do their best to forget it. Not to mention anyone else
>>          who worked out the exploit (which has existed since the
>>          first ATMs were rolled out) and put it to good use.
>>          http://cryptome.org/pacc.htm
                          - remember: phantom withdrawals DO NOT EXIST

>R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
>44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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>[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
>experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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